CBE Group Collections Harassment & Abuse

How To Put An End to Unwanted Calls and Debt Collector Abuse and Threats.

Updated on Author: Sergei Lemberg

Updated on Author: Sergei Lemberg

Is CBE Group calling you constantly? 

CBE Group

Your Free Legal Solution to Ending CBE Group’s Harassment Today 

  • Review CBE Group’s bio and how it operates as a debt collection agency. Then, to inform your next legal steps, figure out where you stand legally relative to CBE.
  • Next, find out if CBE has breached your rights. Skimming through our FAQs will help you become more comfortable moving forward.
  • It’s natural to feel isolated when considering a lawsuit against a large debt collection agency, but remember that there are many others in the same position. Most importantly, you have the federal authority of the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act (FDCPA), as well as numerous other consumer protection laws, in your corner.
  • Once you feel confident about moving forward, contact a debt collection attorney and begin a free lawsuit against CBE. Remember that you have legal authority over CBE: you have the power to stop their harassment, remove CBE from your credit report, and receive damages, all for free.
  • To learn more about stopping CBE’s harassment immediately, reach out to Lemberg Law for a free consultation or to open a suit.
  • Still not convinced? Take a look at our clients’ reviews of our extensive success in defending consumers like you against CBE.

Common Violations You May Have Experienced From CBE: 

  • Aggressive communication tactics and threats, including dozens of daily phone calls.
  • Incorrect, withheld, or incomplete information regarding your debt.
  • Attempts to collect non-existent debt, debt you don’t owe, and calling you by mistake to seek payment.
  • Refusal to acknowledge already paid-off debt.
  • Robocalls.

The above forms of harassment, and many other common collection practices carried out by CBE, violate your rights protected by the FDCPA and other federal laws. If you believe your rights have been violated by CBE, call Lemberg Law today for a free consultation to learn more about opening a case.

CBE Group: Who Are They? 

CBE Groups is one of the largest and most profitable debt collection agencies in the U.S. They are both first and third-party debt collectors. They collect a variety of debt including healthcare, credit card, and telecommunications. CBE has worked with government agencies such as the IRS to collect past-due federal taxes. Currently, they work with the U.S. Department of Education to collect from thousands drowning in student loan debt. While debt collection may appear to be a scam, CBE is a real business. Located out of Cedar Falls, Iowa, CBE employs thousands across the country. Due to their wide-reaching debt collection practices, they have annual revenues in the millions (per Buzzfile).

How To Contact CBE Group

CBE Group
1309 Technology Parkway
Cedar Falls, IA 50613
Phone Number: 800-925-6686
Website: http://www.cbegroup.com/

CBE Group: How Do They Operate? 

  • CBE Group provides collection services for many businesses and industries: medical/healthcare service providers; cable/satellite telecommunications companies; telephone service providers; utility service providers; retail credit card lenders; private/government-backed education lenders; and government agencies, including delinquent tax bills.
  • CBE’s services have four divisions: third-party collection; first-party collection; fraud detection; and batch skip tracing.
    • What is third-party debt collection? According to CBE, this includes primary and secondary collection of delinquent debts using “advanced technology, intelligent work strategies,.. advanced skip tracing resources, and…analytics resources to ensure CBE’s workforce contacts…borrowers efficiently and effectively to help them resolve their obligations and shorten the…recovery timeline.”
    • What is first-party debt collection? According to CBE, this focuses on default aversion by helping consumers repay loans “while avoiding the pitfalls of default.”
    • How do I learn more about CBE’s services? Start by calling Lemberg Law today. The CBE website is designed to trick consumers, and its marketed image as a helpful resource to debtors may be misleading.
  • CBE will contact you with phone calls to collect debts and personal information both on their behalf and on behalf of other businesses and industries.

Have questions? Call us now at 475-277-1600 for a Free Case Evaluation.

Our services are absolutely FREE to you.

The harassing company pays our fees.

The Basics: What You Need to Know About CBE Group.

  • While debt collection and other CBE Group services are legal, you are protected from harassment and other unfair practices by federal consumer laws such as the FDCPA.
  • CBE operates on behalf of themselves and other large organizations in dozens of markets. They claim to “stay ahead of the regulatory environment,” but they are not above the law!
  • CBE is not interested in helping you understand your rights under consumer protection laws. Both their consumer and corporate websites promote CBE as a resource to help those struggling with mountain debt. However, neither site provides any detailed information about their regulatory compliance policies.
  • CBE has a reputation for harassing and bullying customers into paying debts that may not even belong to the customer.
  • CBE may call dozens of times daily and use other aggressive tactics to take advantage of consumers. They will use a variety of different numbers to reach you:

Consumers have reported this agency harassing them from the following numbers:

  • 916-330-3872
  • 501-443-4980
  • 980-244-3969
  • 401-414-2943
  • 401-414-3066
  • 401-414-2913
  • 800-798-5534

Standing Up to CBE Group: Understanding Your Rights. 

CBE Group knows they can only take advantage of you when you don’t know your rights as a consumer. You easily learn all you need to know about your position of authority over CBE on this page, and our experienced consumer protection lawyers at Lemberg Law can help you utilize your rights against exploitative debt collection agencies.

How You’re Protected. 

  • The Fair Debt Collections Practices Act prohibits CBE from unfair debt collection tactics. This includes abusive and threatening language; the use of false or misleading information to collect debts, and other forms of harassment.
  • The Fair Credit Reporting Act regulates how collection agencies like CBE report delinquent debts to credit reporting agencies.
  • You are also protected by the Telephone Consumer Protection Act and the Consumer Financial Protection Act.

What Laws Must CBE Group Follow? 

  • Legal: CBE can collect on first and third-party debts.
  • Legal: CBE can call you to collect those debts as long as they adhere to the above laws and regulations.
  • Legal: CBE can summon debtors to court and garnish wages after a default judgment.
  • Illegal: CBE cannot violate any of your rights as an American consumer, which may include the use of deceptive, unfair, or abusive collection tactics.
  • Illegal: While CBE will likely not sue you for debt that they cannot validate or that you may not owe, CBE is strictly prohibited from making empty threats to garnish your wages or sue you.

CBE Group is Calling Me: How Do I Use My Rights?

Get Free BBB A+ Attorney. Call 475-277-1600 NOW

Unlawful Debt Harassment? Learn the Law & Sue the Collector.

The best way to make your rights work for you and to stop CBE in its tracks is to work with a lawyer. At Lemberg Law, we have years of experience in the consumer protection process and experience winning fights against CBE. Here is what we can do for you:

  • We’ll confirm that CBE has been harassing you or in any other way violating your rights.
  • We will prevent CBE from threatening or taking any legal action against you.
  • We can then open a lawsuit and stop CBE from hurting you any more than they already have. A lawsuit will end harassment, may remove CBE from your credit report, and can win you monetary compensation.
  • The best part is that federal law requires CBE to pay your attorney fees and court costs.

Stopping Harassment Now: Do I Have a Case Against CBE? 

You may be surprised by how well protected you are by the law and how many times CBE may have breached your rights. The best way to figure out your legal standing is to talk to a lawyer.

The FDCPA and other federal regulations stand to protect your rights as a consumer. Consult the following list of common CBE illegal debt collection practices to see if your rights have been violated by the CBE Group. You may have a case against CBE if they have subjected you to any of the following:

You Are Not Alone: CBE Group Violations Against Consumers Like You Are Common

If you have debt, whether it is student loans, medical bills, or tax bills, you know that you work hard to fight for your financial security. The last thing you need is a debt collection agency constantly bothering you and threatening to destabilize everything you have worked so hard to build. As an American consumer, you are entitled to your financial freedom, and if collectors like CBE attempt to take advantage of you, you have every right to fight back for free.

CBE markets itself as a company interested in helping those struggling with debt. Its infamous reputation of harassment tells a different story, which you know all too well. Our research shows that CBE relies on aggressive coercion and harassment to extract payment from customers who, in many cases, have already paid off their debts or never owed anything in the first place. These and further violations of the FDCPA and other consumer-protection laws are common, and you have the right and ability to freely stand your ground!

Violations Are Common: CBE Group Complaints Survey: 

  • Common complaints include attempts to collect unverified and unowed debts, inappropriate and aggressive communication practices, and threats to take negative legal action. These predatory debt collection practices and others violate the FDCPA.
  • CBE has a ⅕ star customer rating on the Better Business Bureau (BBB) website.
  • BBB also lists 406 customer complaints from the last 3 years and 131 customer complaints from the last 12 months. Complaints allege problems from billing and collections to customer service to advertising and sales.
  • BBB complaints allege that CBE wreaks havoc on consumers’ credit reports, despite all debts being paid. These complaints also complain that CBE reports non-existent debts to creditors.
  • CBE’s attacks on customers’ credit histories took years to remove from their credit reports and made it difficult for them to qualify for mortgages, car loans, personal loans, and other essential resources.
  • The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has closed thousands of complaints involving CBE.
  • Justia lists over 6 cases of civil litigation involving CBE Group.

Your Authority Over CBE Group: The FDCPA. 

At Lemberg Law, we know your rights under the FDCPA and have won thousands of cases of debt collection violations for our clients. We want to help you put an immediate end to harassment, threats, and harm done to you by CBE. Additionally, we can win you monetary compensation, help get your credit report back on track, and do it all while CBE pays your legal fees.

The FDCPA: A Brief Summary. 

The FDCPA is a federal law that regulates the debt collection practices of agencies like the CBE Group. This law prohibits CBE from using illegal debt-collection tactics against you. The FDCPA gives you and your family the right to avoid harassment, threats, and other harmful practices carried out by CBE against consumers. If such violations occur, the law empowers you to work with an attorney to stop the CBE Group at no cost to yourself.

Your Rights Under the FDCPA. 

  • The FDCPA prohibits numerous illegal debt collection practices.
  • All FDCPA-covered collectors (CBE Group is covered) must tell you certain information regarding your debt to validate the collection. This information includes personal details, information about CBE Group, CBE’s contact information so that you can reply, an itemization of your debt, and more. CBE Group must tell you this information according to the FDCPA. It is important to understand the nature of your debt so you can hold CBE accountable for its practices under the FDCPA.
  • The FDCPA applies to CBE. Therefore, they must reveal any required information to you and follow the law of the FDCPA.
  • The FDCPA restricts CBE’s freedom to contact you for collection. CBE may violate your rights under the FDCPA in many ways: call now to find out if you have a case.

Stopping CBE Group: How to Use the FDCPA to Your Advantage.

  • While CBE Group may seem large and intimidating, the FDCPA makes your rights untouchable as an American consumer. In the face of the FDCPA and other federal laws protecting you, CBE doesn’t stand a chance when you’re backed up by the right lawyer who understands and respects your rights better than they do.
  • The FDCPA generally requires that CBE cannot contact you if you are represented by an attorney. Instead, they must contact your lawyer. Put an end to CBE’s harassment now.
  • Maintain records of your phone calls with CBE, and when they have tried to contact you. Keep track of what you discussed regarding your debt, and what documents CBE has sent you. These will help you support your case under the FDCPA.

Stopping CBE Today: Your Legal Options. 

Who are we? We are Lemberg Law, a Consumer Law Firm

Lemberg Law is a consumer law firm helping victims of collection harassment and abuse. We are ranked A+ by the BBB. We’ve helped more than 15,000 consumers stop harassment and recover money from debt collectors. Harassed? Abused? Misled by a collector? Call our Helpline today!  There is no charge unless we win.

Call now to sue CBE Group for harassment: stop injustice and gain monetary compensation for no legal costs. You will be well defended by Lemberg Law and your rights as a consumer.

While CBE’s operation of first and third-party debt collection is legal, they are known to violate consumers’ rights. If you believe that you are being harassed, threatened, or otherwise having your rights violated by CBE, don’t wait. They may take legal action against you, negatively impact your credit report, find a way to unfairly collect on debt you don’t owe, or increase their tactics against you.

What to Know Before Taking Action: 

  • You can sue CBE Group for free. The FDCPA gives you the right to sue a debt collector for harassment.
  • If CBE violates your rights, you can win up to $1,000 in compensation. Additionally, CBE must cover your attorney fees and court costs.
  • If CBE is negatively affecting your credit reporting, or if they are threatening legal action against you, time is of the essence. Call today to learn more about your options.

The Benefits of a Lawsuit Against CBE Group: 

  • No legal costs.
  • An immediate stop to harassment.
  • Extensive monetary damages paid to you.
  • CBE removed from your credit report.
  • A smooth legal process facilitated by the top consumer-protection lawyers here at Lemberg Law.

What a Lawsuit Against CBE May Look Like

Here are some sample cases filed in federal court:

In May 2013, in United States District Court for the Southern District of California, a judge issued a decision in a case alleging CBE had violated two provisions of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). In this case, the plaintiff alleged that beginning the year previous to the court case, she had begun receiving “without her consent, numerous ‘autodialed’ telephone calls to her cellular telephone for which she alleged she incurred charges.” She stated further that CBE Group used an automated telephone dialing system (ATDS) to make the calls, which the TCPA defines as an “automatic dialing system which has the capacity to produce or store and dial numbers randomly or sequentially.”

She also stated that CBE used the ATDS “to place telephone calls to her cellular telephone and/orused an artificial or pre-recorded voice message system, to place telephone calls to her cellular telephone.” The TCPA prohibits the placement of commercial calls to mobile telephone numbers without the consent of the account holder, or using an ATDS, or leaving pre-recorded or artificial voice messages on cellular telephones. As a result, she charged CBE with negligent violations of the TCPA and knowing or willful violations of the TCPA.

Attorneys for CBE attempted to convince the court to dismiss the case based on 6 arguments. First, CBE Group argued that the plaintiff had brought the case in a court that did not have the proper jurisdiction or authority to make a decision. Although the plaintiff did not reside in Southern California, she argued that because CBE does business in Southern California, the court had the authority to hear cases brought against them. The court asked the plaintiff to conduct a further investigation to determine the extent to which CBE has business dealings in its district. CBE also attempted to argue that the TCPA does not apply to debt collection agencies. Although the court acknowledged that there may be exceptions in which some collection agencies may not be regulated by this law, neither of them applied to CBE, so this objection was dismissed.

CBE also tried to argue that the plaintiff had not stated a valid claim against them, but the court disagreed. Because the plaintiff’s complaint included a clear statement of the alleged violation, the court dismissed CBE’s objection on this count. CBE also tried to argue that the plaintiff failed to allege any injury as a result of the violation, but the court stated that the law does not require her to show proof that she was charged for any of the calls, so the court again dismissed CBE’s objection. CBE also requested that the court prevent the plaintiff from filing a class action lawsuit, but the court denied the request.

As a result, the court denied CBE’s request to dismiss the claim in every respect except the jurisdiction of the court. With regard to that objection, the court instructed the plaintiff to refile the complaint with evidence supporting her claim that the Southern District of California was an appropriate venue.

Press Releases of Lawsuits Brought On By Lemberg Law

November 23, 2015.  There is a student loan epidemic in this country. Student loan debt exceeds credit card debt. And more students are getting into more debt than ever before.

Our client has student loan debt. CBE Group collects on behalf of federal student loans. There are rules about when a student loan debt has to be paid off, and rules about when a borrower’s wages can be garnished. One of those rules is that a borrower has to be continuously employed for 12 months in order to have their wages garnished.

This collection agency threatened to garnish our client’s wages if the student loan debt was not paid. However, our client hadn’t been continuously employed for 12 months, so CBE Group wasn’t legally allowed to garnish his wages.

The case, which was recently filed in U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Texas, charges CBE Group with violating the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act by engaging in harassing behavior; using false, deceptive, or misleading representation in connection with the collection of a debt; by threatening to take legal action that could not be legally taken; by employing false and deceptive means to collect a debt; and by using unfair and unconscionable means to collect a debt. It asks for statutory damages of $1,000, plus other relief.

November 14, 2015. On behalf of our client, Lemberg Law recently filed a complaint in U.S. District Court, Southern District of Indiana. The case, against CBE Group, charges the debt collection agency with violating federal law and asks for $1,000 in statutory damages, plus other relief.

Wrong numbers are bothersome. A steady stream of wrong number calls can really disrupt your life. Our clients, a married couple, say that CBE started calling their landline in May. After receiving several calls, our clients called CBE to figure out why they were calling. The debt collector the spoke to said that he was trying to reach a woman that the couple did know. Our clients told the debt collector that they didn’t know the woman and asked them to stop calling. This debt collector told our clients that their number would be removed from the collection agency’s system. That didn’t happen, though, as they called more than 20 more times.

This lawsuit charges that CBE Group violated the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) by engaging in harassing behavior; by contacting our clients for purposes other than to confirm or correct location information; for contacting our clients without being asked to do so; and by using unfair and unconscionable means to collect a debt.

Share your story

Have you had a bad experience with this agency’s debt collectors? Sound off and share your experience with other visitors in the comment box below.

Sergei Lemberg

About the Author:

Sergei Lemberg is an attorney focusing on consumer law, class actions related to automotive issues, and personal injury litigation. With nearly two decades of experience, his areas of practice include Lemon Law (vehicle defects), Debt Collection Harassment, TCPA (illegal robocalls and texts), Fair Credit Reporting Act, Overtime claims, Personal Injury cases, and Class Actions. He has consistently been recognized as the nation's "most active consumer attorney." In 2020, Mr. Lemberg represented Noah Duguid before the United States Supreme Court in the landmark case Duguid v. Facebook. He is also the author of "Defanging Debt Collectors," a guide that empowers consumers to fight back against debt collectors and prevail, as well as "Lemon Law 101: The Laws That Lemon Dealers Don't Want You to Know."

See more posts from Sergei Lemberg
  • Erin O

    CBE Group started robocalling me when my debit card was stolen and won’t stop. I have no debts or loans. My credit rating is in the 800s. They harass me day and night anyway. They call from 303-586-3971 incessantly.

  • Candice

    They keep calling me from random numbers. They ask right away if im and say my name and I state hesitant yes and who are they? Then they give an old address and ask me to verify that and my ssn. I tell them no until they tell me who they are and what they are calling me about. They tell me i must answer the question as they are a legal representation office for the police!??? As i can see here that is a lie which i knew anyway. They have threatened to have my ssi taken. They have threatened me with jail. They have threatened me with my family in my home with jail. I am so done with this. Everytime they call i get so upset that I feel my chest tighten and i have pain in it. This is terrible for my health and I just want to be left alone

  • Amanda

    I keep getting calls from CBE group they state it is buisness matter they need to get in touch with my ex husband. This last time they kept asking if I could let him know and if my number was a good number for him. I asked the who CBE group was..they said they could not tell me. I stated they are required by law to identify who they are and their buisness. Again said same stuff. I asked are you a collection agency if you are you are required to say so. They told me they neither confirm or deny. At this point I told them they are spam callers I would be turning them in a such. I have had dozens of calls normally they hang up in exceptions of last 2 times.

  • Rainyday

    CBE calling me at 7 am 3 times in a row every day from different numbers with different area codes claiming to be about a small accident I was in which my insurance company already paid. They asked me if I have insurance and with who among other requests for personal info in the only voicemail they ever left. Since that initial message they call at 7am and they leave no message and if I answer they hang up.

  • James M

    Was in a fight with a medical bill when suddenly the medical stop responding and sent me to collections at CBE Group. CBE Group contacted me and I disputed the claim and sent a letter outlining the dispute. Suddenly I realize no one is responding to me and the event is now listed as a disputed collection on my credit report. I did not even get a chance to do anything else.

  • Kris

    They decided to call me 1 minute before remembrance day ceremony and moment of silence. Then got mad at me for calling them back to ask why they called me at that time.

  • K M

    I get a call or two daily usually in the middle of class with my braille learner. I have a sick mother and husband so I cannot turn the phone off. I ignore the call but they call again, never leaving a message so I blocked the first number because they were acting like spammers . Now they are calling from (225) 960- 6403. They used to call from a similar number. I looked them up and found this site. I don’t know what or if I owe anything because they never leave a message. I have medical bills that I have been paying on but the cancer hospital gets their payments on line and verify each payment on their website and with an email receipt. If you’re not up to no good, then leave a message when you call and tell me what the call is about so I can call you back. I will not answer nor call a strange number.

  • Angela O

    CBE Group keeps calling me and my children during the day. I asked them to remove all the numbers and they continue to call.

  • Flenna f

    They call my cell numerous times a day and from different numbers. I don’t answer and they NEVER leave a message but ever single day I get no less than 4 calls a day from different numbers. I didn’t know who it was till I call the number and it said CBE group I did not talk to anyone I just hung up the phone. I want the calls to stop it’s so ridiculous . These people don’t know when to stop.

  • Aaron

    They are calling me on my cell from 818-638-3911, I called back and they wanted a mountain of info without even telling me what is the purpose of the call. I told them they’ll get all that info When hell freeze over. They hanged up and called back again, this time another bird brain trying to get info from me and I told them they’re violating my privacy law and I will take legal action against them. They said they’ll remove my number but they did not and keep calling me. I block one number then they call from a different one. Who the F are these people???? I am seriously considering getting a attorney and taking them to court.

  • Cheryl L

    Was called. They will give no information regarding a “personal business matter” until I “verify” all of my information. I am verifying nothing, as I have no outstanding debt with anyone. If they cannot even tell you why they are calling, why would anyone give them any personal information? It is ridiculous and the calls need to stop!

  • Ginny V

    We are getting phone calls and letters from them and have been for awhile. They are supposedly representing the IRS in collections, so we call and they will keep saying that my husband’s SS number is wrong and that we need to contact the SS Admin. So I called the IRS directly and they said that they DO NOT DEAL WITH THIS COMPANY! So the short of it is, they are overstepping their authority and they need to stop calling us!!!!

  • Ann

    I got calls related to “personal issues” about my ex-husband. I told them to stop calling me. I got 4 phone calls in the last 2 days, even after I blocked it. 330-615-1942 and 330-615-1985 and 330-471-1161 and 330-615-1989

  • Rick

    CBE called me and said they were the Treasury Dept. and I needed to pay a dept in full immediately.

  • Jennifer R

    I received a call from them on April 23. And SIX calls from them today (May 2). I have NO debts that have gone into collections. I need these calls to stop. I read I can get between $500 and $1000 for EACH robocall??? Can someone confirm this??

  • Karla

    I received multiple calls on my cellphone and home phone daily from this company. The caller wants me to verify personal info about myself such as social security number. When I ask their identity I am told once I verify I am who they are looking for they will tell me. I usually hang up at that point but sometimes I tell them to mail their request to the address on file. I refuse to give my info to an unknown caller so I guess I will never know what they are calling me for.

  • Robin J

    I keep getting calls from this number 504 900 8842, and the lady on the phone was trying to get me to verify my personal information, and when I told her that I was not going to do so until she told me why she had my information and what the call was about. She told me with attitude, well we will keep calling you. I also said to her if you have my address then you can mail the information to me and her response was we dont do that. So I say good bye and hung up the phone. They have no right to withhold information from me when you have my information. I dont get if they are in Iowa the why are they calling me from a New Orleans number. Just trash!!!!

  • Megan D

    Today I happened to look at my paystub which I get paid tomorrow, I noticed I got hit with a garnishment, I panicked called my work corporate to ask payroll what was going on, she looked it up and said well the CBE group is asking you are garnished for a $30,000 debt!!! I said WHAT?!?! She asked if I owed for a past home or car, I was like ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! I’m freaking out and it’s been impossible to get through to them!!! I KNOW I don’t owe ANYONE that amount of money?!? What am I supposed to do, I am flipping out! This check they garnished $170 but my payroll said to expect 3 times that amount to be taken next check! And that they have to collect $2000 by 5/7/2019!!! Help me understand

  • Tabitha

    They call non stop they have called me at least 20 times today all from different numbers

  • Mark F

    Dear Sir or Madam: CBE Group has been calling me every day for two months now. Today they called twice from the same number and hung up. They have called from over a dozen different numbers. I called back today and swore like the dickens at them to stop harassing me and stop calling me I had nothing to say to them. I think you had better help me or I am going to get in trouble harassing CBE group right back! My mouth has gotten me in lots of trouble, but with collectors I do not care! That is not to mention the withholding from my SSDI benefits that the State of ND continues to take for over ten years now on a 33 year old kid that was adopted by another father when he was six. ND Child Support charged me over 8 thousand dollars worth of interest on a 6 thousand dollar bill! Collectors! Ba Hum Bug! No Merry Christmas Here! How about A hand?

  • Terri T

    I am paying off a small debt through CBE. I called them Once to set up a bit-weekly payment around my payday. I called them another time and asked to moved the payments by one day to give me time to deposit my paycheck. They were rude and tried to tell me I couldn’t until I asked if it would work better for them if I just cancelled the payment arrangement. Then they said they would make the change just this one time. Today I called to cancel a scheduled payment which is before their three business day requirement to cancel. I said I would make a double payment. The person said I had made one change already (referring to my changing the day of the week my payment comes out) and couldn’t make any changes any more. When I challenged her on this and read from their site about cancelling payments, she backed down. They are very rude and lies to me.

  • Robert R

    CBE group keeps calling me multiple times a day. Starting in the morning and all through out the day until the evening. they call from 562-850-2049. They always have an attitude and our basically plain rude.

  • Samantha

    Making payments and still being constantly called…. this is not acceptable at all. Then they speak at 200 mph ..ask them to slow down and repeat because they are speeding and they act as if I did something to them. I do not appreciate any of it at all. They call when you need to pay and they call while youre paying. I need the calls to stop.

  • Indira

    Someone from this so called CBE group left a message on my private cell phone saying they are a debt collector. I do not owe any outstanding debts. They left no other message as to either whom they were calling or what debt but, without knowing who they were calling said CBE debt colkector and said call 1-866-895-4766

  • Tara T

    They call me several times a day and I have asked them to refrain from calling my phone. The number that continues to call is 901-295-1065. Don’t know how to stop them as they have been calling for a very long time period. It is currently, 10:00 a.m. CST and they have already called me twice this morning. Very frustrating.


    I just received a call from them. They said my maiden name. I asked who they were and what was their business. They said CBE, is this (my maiden name)? I hesitated and said yes. The man went right off with my old address. Again, I stated what is your business? He kind of chuckled and said is your address, and the call was disconnected. I immediately looked them up and saw these comments about them. I decided to write a comment because I know for a fact I do not have any debts as I just bought a house, my credit was clear, and I have a freeze on my social security information due to past identity theft. (Phone number it came in from was 805-572-6536 Oxnard, CA)
    I hope this helps anyone’s case. I despise scammers.

  • VaLisa H

    They contacted me while I was at work. I informed them I was at work and I have never heard of them and the lady on the other end provided me with my address and she then asked me for my SS#. First, if she has my address why would she need my SS#? She said to make sure that I am speaking to the right person. So, I hung the phone up. She calls right back from 901-295-1125 and she began to go off because I hung the phone up on her. She said that’s why people like you all of the other people we call every day will never make anything because you call can’t pay your bills and she hung the phone up on me. I am glad she did before it went left real quick.

  • Samad R

    CBE GROUP calls me every day on several occasions they are rude and talk with no respect cause I refuse to verify my identity. I ask who are they and what is the call for they rufuse to answer but rather me verify name address social and date of birth which I will not do so I ask them months ago to stop calling me but they remain calling every day. This has got to stop one way or the other. I block the numbers but they still call from various area codes and phone numbers still with the harrassment and the rudeness and disrespect for my privacy and personal information

  • M. Y

    They call me and want me to confirm my SSN and I refused completely because I am not having any financial issues with any company. I just want the authority to put a stop to this before innocent people will be scammed.

  • NINA R


  • Dwayne W

    Getting harassment calls from the CBE great day getting very belligerent and saying they’re calling on behalf of the internal revenue service I’ve asked him multiple times to stop calling I need to stop these people they have crossed the line .

  • Diana a

    this group calls my or my husbands phone several times daily. I want them STOPPED for hassassment!

  • Bette H

    I receive daily automated call from Cbe group stating they are collecting a debt and to call a certain number. I do not have any debts and would like the calls to stop.

  • see b

    Reached my wife’s cell phone (unlisted) to request info on my son. Wife gave me the phone and the called started off by saying conversation is being recorded. I got disturbed at this and asked for identifiation, answer refused. Finally caller stated CBE group. I stated not to call again after getting a refusal as to why calling my wife’s number. My son has behavior health issues that have been adjudicated and is subject to further legal action conditions.

    What can be done to protect him and us from this collection agency. No information as to who this company’s client is was provided.

  • Jacob F

    CBE has called me and got an attitude because I couldn’t talk when I was driving (because it’s illegal) and then didn’t call back at the time and date I asked them to.
    I get a call back from them (when I called back it had their automated message system so I know it was them) and all that was on the phone was heavy breathing and a baby crying in the background.
    Very unprofessional conduct from any type of caller.

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