Transworld Systems (TSI) Collections Harassment

How To Put An End to Unwanted Calls and Debt Collector Abuse and Threats.

Updated on Author: Sergei Lemberg

Updated on Author: Sergei Lemberg

Is Transworld Systems relentlessly calling you?

Transworld Systems (TSI)

Transworld Systems Can Be Stopped: Follow These Easy Steps 

Review: We’ve compiled all the necessary information you should know about Transworld Systems (TSI) and how they work. Take a look at the summary below before responding to TSI’s phone calls or moving forward legally. Alternatively, you can call today for a free consultation. We’ll fill you in on all the important details regarding your case.

Consult: To figure out if you have a case to stop TSI’s harassment, and to understand what that might look like, you can call us for a free consultation. You can also read the helpful reference below. It includes information on your rights as a consumer, how TSI might have violated those rights, FAQs from our clients, and common complaints/legal action taken against TSI.

Take Action and Win Compensation: We can help you stop harassment, win compensation, and remove TSI from your credit report. TSI is required to pay your attorney fees and court costs when we win. To get TSI off your back, call us today for a free, zero-obligation consultation. We also provide a detailed review of your legal options below.


Get to Know Transworld Systems (TSI)

Who Is Transworld Systems? 

Transworld Systems Inc. is a debt collection agency based out of Fort Washington, Pennsylvania. Founded in 1970, TSI has offices around the globe, including the US, Canada, Puerto Rico, India, and the Philippines. According to Buzzfile, TSI generates an annual revenue of just over $500 million and has around 700 total employees.

TSI is one of the largest and most extensive collection agencies out there, but they are not accredited by the Better Business Bureau (BBB). In fact, they receive hundreds of complaints per year alleging violations of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) and other consumer protection laws.

Contact Information

Transworld Systems

2235 Mercury Way Ste 275

Santa Rosa, CA 95407-5413

Phone Number: 866-545-9191


What Is TSI’s Business Model? 

Transworld Systems operates primarily as a third-party debt collection agency. This means creditors hire them to assist in the collection of customers’ delinquent debts. According to TSI, these creditors come from the “communications, financial services, government, healthcare, insurance, property management, retail, travel/hospitality, and utility” industries. TSI exploits analytics and individuals’ personal information to contact customers and recover revenue for creditors.

TSI also offers loan servicing, various legal services, first-party account receivable management, probate collections for the estates of deceased consumers, business process outsourcing, and customer relationship management services to its clients. While this variety of services is extensive, TSI’s business model is simple: they help companies extract payments from former or current customers.

Why Is TSI Calling Me  

If Transworld Systems is calling you, it is likely because they have been hired by a creditor to collect a debt you may owe. If you have an unpaid account with a healthcare company for example, that company may have hired TSI to collect payments from you. TSI may want to verify this debt, obtain personal information from you, or set up a payment plan immediately.

Whether you owe this debt or not, the FDCPA and other federal regulations protect your rights as a consumer. Before giving TSI any verification, personal information, or money, be aware of your rights to…

  1. Be told the name of the creditor who is owed the debt.
  2. Be told the amount of the debt.
  3. Be told why you owe the debt.
  4. Be told the name of the debt collector.
  5. Request proof of the debt.
  6. Dispute the debt.
  7. Refuse to pay the debt if you believe it is not valid.
  8. Not be harassed or threatened by the debt collector.

If you are unsure of your rights or how to handle TSI, call Lemberg Law today for a free consultation.

Have questions? Call us now at 475-277-1600 for a Free Case Evaluation.

Our services are absolutely FREE to you.

The harassing company pays our fees.

Is TSI a Scam?

Transworld Systems is a legitimate business. If they have contacted you about a debt, you may owe that debt, and TSI can legally collect payments from you on behalf of your original creditor. However, TSI has been accused of violating the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), which regulates how TSI can collect debt from you.

If TSI contacts you, you should know that while they are not a scam, they cannot violate your rights as a consumer. Before responding to TSI, make sure you know your rights. If you believe that TSI has already violated your rights, call Lemberg Law today to see if you have a case.

Consumers have reported this agency harassing them from the following numbers:

  • 334-557-8378
  • 850-306-4002
  • 850-306-6043
  • 714-482-6137
  • 800-816-5569
  • 551-205-5794
  • 779-970-2724
  • 410-826-0415
  • 410-237-6235
  • 410-826-0364
  • 410-826-0313
  • 410-237-6275
  • 410-237-6255
  • 850-541-9423
  • 313-438-8516
  • 520-833-9498

Can TSI Impact My Credit Score? 

Transworld Systems often reports alleged debts to customers’ credit reporting agencies. While the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) regulates how collection agencies and creditors report delinquent debts to credit bureaus, TSI is still allowed to put a debt on your report.

TSI may use the prospect of a decrease in your credit score to leverage payments from you. However, you should know that the FCRA regulates TSI’s credit reporting practices, especially when it comes to harassment. For example, it is illegal for TSI to threaten to negatively impact your credit score. If TSI has appeared on your credit report or is threatening to do so, we can help you remove them or deter further negative action.

Your Case to Stop TSI’s Harassment 

Who are we? We are Lemberg Law, a Consumer Law Firm

Lemberg Law is a consumer law firm helping victims of collection harassment and abuse. We are ranked A+ by the BBB. We’ve helped more than 15,000 consumers stop harassment and recover money from debt collectors. Harassed? Abused? Misled by a collector? Call our Helpline today!  There is no charge unless we win.

You Have Rights as a Consumer 

TSI cannot violate your rights as a consumer even if you do owe a debt. If Transworld Systems contacts you, you are legally entitled to…

  1. Be told the name of the creditor who is owed the debt.
  2. Be told the amount of the debt.
  3. Be told why you owe the debt.
  4. Be told the name of the debt collector.
  5. Request proof of the debt.
  6. Dispute the debt.
  7. Refuse to pay the debt if you believe it is not valid.
  8. Not be harassed or threatened by the debt collector.

Your ability to take advantage of the above rights comes from the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) and other consumer protection laws. Read the following sections to learn more about the FDCPA and how federal regulations protect you from TSI.

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA)  

The FDCPA serves as your primary source of protection against debt collectors like Transworld Systems. Its purpose is twofold. First, it gives you rights as a consumer which prohibits TSI from harassing you or attempting to collect an alleged debt unfairly. Second, it provides you with free legal recourse that may result in financial compensation if TSI has violated any of your rights.

This second feature is very important, as it allows the average consumer to take TSI to court for harassment and win big. Under the FDCPA, you can win monetary compensation of up to $1,000 from TSI in a harassment suit. Additionally, TSI must cover your attorney fees and court costs.

Under the FDCPA, you can also dispute an alleged debt and defend your credit report from interference by TSI. In short, the FDCPA empowers you to take your stand against any unfair treatment from a debt collector or creditor.

How You’re Protected From TSI 

The FDCPA protects your rights whenever TSI attempts to collect debt from you. According to a summary from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), the FDCPA prohibits collection agencies like TSI from “harassing, oppressing, or abusing consumers,” using “false, deceptive, or misleading representation or means” while collecting debt, or “using unfair or unconscionable means” to leverage payments. Your credit is also protected from any negative action TSI might take. The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) regulates how debt collectors and creditors report delinquent debts to credit bureaus.

In addition to the FDCPA and the FCRA, the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), the Consumer Financial Protection Act (CFPA), and numerous other federal and state regulations protect your rights as a consumer. In combination, these laws prohibit TSI from harassing you, restrict their ability to take negative action against you and empower you to win compensation in court for free if TSI violates your rights.

To get a better sense of how the law protects you, and to find out for sure if TSI has violated your rights, call Lemberg Law today for a free consultation.

Has TSI Violated Your Rights? 

If TSI has harassed you in any of the following ways, you may have a case against them:

Do these common FDCPA violations sound familiar? If so, or even if you’re still unsure, we can help you with a free consultation or a free harassment lawsuit against TSI!

TSI’s Pattern of Alleged Violations and Harassment

Before taking legal action, it’s helpful to understand the commonality of your situation. This section will give you a sense of just how many complaints organizations like the CFPB and BBB receive about Transworld Systems. In addition to the many complaints we’ve summarized, you can review the multiple cases of civil litigation and government action already taken against TSI.

Summary of Complaints Filed with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)

  • Consumers have filed 3,734 complaints against TSI regarding debt collection problems on the CFPB complaint database.
  • Consumers have also filed 536 complaints against TSI regarding student loans, with an additional 576 complaints having to do with credit reporting or other personal consumer reports.
  • Of these thousands of total complaints, customer allegations include 1,572 attempts to collect debt not owed, 627 problems with written notification about debt, 413 uses of false statements or representation, 349 instances of improper communication tactics, 326 continued attempts to collect debt not owed, and hundreds more.

Summary of Complaints Filed with the Better Business Bureau (BBB)

  • TSI has a ⅕ star customer rating on the BBB Website and is not BBB accredited.
  • BBB has closed 834 customer complaints in the last three years (397 of those complaints were closed in the last twelve months).
  • Common complaints include billing issues, order issues, and customer service issues.

Legal Cases Against TSI

  • Justia, which provides a record of legal cases, lists dozens of cases of civil litigation taken against TSI.
  • In 2017, the CFPB issued a consent order against TSI, which collected debt for National College Student Loan Trusts. The order says that TSI “filed false or misleading affidavits,” provided “false or misleading testimony,” and filed “debt collection lawsuits when the companies could not prove the debt was owed.”

A Review of Your Legal Options Against TSI 

Get Free BBB A+ Attorney. Call 475-277-1600 NOW

Unlawful Debt Harassment? Learn the Law & Sue the Collector.

You have considerable legal power over Transworld Systems and other debt collection agencies thanks to the FDCPA and other laws. You are protected from harassment, negative credit reporting, and empty threats to sue you or garnish your wages. Furthermore, you can win monetary damages of up to $1,000 when TSI violates your rights.

However, the only way for you to enforce your rights and recover your money is to take TSI to court. By doing so, you can stop harassment, win compensation, and possibly remove TSI from your credit report. The best part is that when you win, TSI must also pay for your attorney fees and court costs.

If this pathway to justice interests you, call Lemberg Law today for a free consultation. We’re experienced consumer protection attorneys, who’ve dealt with TSI before. We can help you stop harassment and secure monetary compensation!

How TSI Is Restricted Legally

  • Transworld Systems cannot use aggressive, unfair, deceptive, or abusive collection tactics to harass you.
  • TSI cannot make empty threats to sue you or garnish your wages.
  • The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) regulates TSI in how they report debt to credit reporting agencies.

The Benefits of Taking Legal Action ASAP 

  • TSI can’t make empty threats to sue you or garnish your wages. However, if they follow the proper procedures, they can summon you to court and garnish your wages after a default judgment: we can help prevent this.
  • TSI may continue to report debt to credit bureaus: we can help delete TSI from your credit report.
  • TSI may continue to harass or otherwise abuse you in their efforts to collect on a debt: when you hire an attorney, TSI must contact us as your legal representative. With a harassment suit, we can end TSI’s harassment altogether!
  • Our services are free: when we win, TSI will cover our fees and your court costs. This is in addition to the financial compensation of up to $1,000 you can win in court.
  • Our services are convenient: we’ll take care of the legal details so you can get your life back on track as quickly as possible.

Legal Action Taken Against TSI

Here is a sample case filed in federal court:

in 2018, a proposed class action was filed against Transworld Systems Inc. alleging the debt collector falsely informed a consumer that his purported debt may increase. The man claims he received a collection letter from the company that listed his “current balance due” and indicated that the amount “may be periodically increased due to the addition of accrued interest or other charges.” The lawsuit argues that this statement is false and that the defendant was not authorized to “impose additional charges” on the plaintiff. The purpose of the defendant’s statements, the case alleges, was to provide a false “financial incentive” that would encourage the plaintiff to pay off his debt sooner and avoid paying a greater amount

The BBB has posted the following alert on the profile page of Transworld Systems Inc:

“Government Action, Case 2017-CFB-0018

“The following describes a government action that has been resolved by either a settlement or a decision by a court or administrative agency. If the matter is being appealed, it will be noted below.

“On September 18, 2017, the business entered into a Consent Order with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) prohibiting it from filing false or misleading legal documents, attempting to unlawfully collect or report negative credit information pertaining to invalid loan debts, and filing lawsuits on any loan an audit shows is unverified or invalid. Specifically, the CFPB took action against the debt collector for National Collegiate Student Loan Trusts for allegedly violating the Consumer Financial Protection Act by filing false affidavits and for pursuing collections lawsuits it could not have won if contested. It was further alleged that the company attempted to file lawsuits in order to collect on student loan debts that were either too old or unable to be verified.

“While not admitting any wrongdoing, guilt or violation of law, the settlement requires the company to pay a civil penalty in the amount of $2.5 million and an injunction requiring correction of the violations. It also requires an independent audit of all 800,000 student loans in the National Collegiate Student Loan Trusts’ portfolio. The Consent Order requires documents requiring notarization be properly notarized and to cease collection on the invalid loan debts.”

The case above was documented in a Consent Order by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in a federal administrative proceeding file dated September 18, 2017. The Order stated that the CFPB “reviewed the debt collections litigation practices of the Attorney Network business of Transworld Systems, the agent and Service Provider for 15 Delaware statutory trusts referred to as the National Collegiate Student Loan Trusts.” During their investigation, the CFPB “identified violations of Sections…of the Consumer Financial Protection Act (CFPA).” According to the CFPB, TSI “executed affidavits that falsely claimed personal knowledge of the account records and the consumer’s debt, and in many cases, personal knowledge of the chain of assignments establishing ownership of the loans.” In addition, TSI hired law firms to file lawsuits “without the documentation necessary to prove Trust ownership of the loans.” In addition to the $2.5 million fine, the CFPB also required TSI to undergo five years of forced compliance monitoring.

What Our Clients Are Saying

“Thank you for all the work you’ve done on my behalf. I genuinely appreciate the blessing you have bestowed upon me. I didn’t realize I’d be getting any money from this wretched affair. I’m taken aback by what you have achieved in my behalf. This has proven better than I could have expected. I’m appreciative of your services and feel blessed. Thank you!”

“I could not believe it when my boss called me to his office and explained that he had been getting calls about me from collection agencies. OMG, I was so ashamed! Allow me to tell you how happy I am that I found you. Not only did you guys get the set calls to stop but you made them pay ME for calling my job. Seriously, I can’t thank you enough!”

“Know that you, Vlad, and your company did a fantastic thing. You took on a huge company for small people and righted a wrong. For this we are thankful.”

“When I first contacted Lemberg Law, I was at my wit’s end, not knowing what to do or how to protect myself against the collection agencies. I felt like I was sinking. After sending in my case evaluation, Lemberg Law quickly threw me a lifeline and turned the tide.”

Share your story

Have you had a bad experience with this agency’s debt collectors? Sound off and share your experience with other visitors in the comment box below.

Sergei Lemberg

About the Author:

Sergei Lemberg is an attorney focusing on consumer law, class actions related to automotive issues, and personal injury litigation. With nearly two decades of experience, his areas of practice include Lemon Law (vehicle defects), Debt Collection Harassment, TCPA (illegal robocalls and texts), Fair Credit Reporting Act, Overtime claims, Personal Injury cases, and Class Actions. He has consistently been recognized as the nation's "most active consumer attorney." In 2020, Mr. Lemberg represented Noah Duguid before the United States Supreme Court in the landmark case Duguid v. Facebook. He is also the author of "Defanging Debt Collectors," a guide that empowers consumers to fight back against debt collectors and prevail, as well as "Lemon Law 101: The Laws That Lemon Dealers Don't Want You to Know."

See more posts from Sergei Lemberg
  • Ray M

    Called this morning to talk to my wife, would not say what about. Called the number back and actually got TSI. We own nothing to anyone. They were fishing for info about someone w/same last name (no relation to us) Add 727-205-0482 to your list (6/26/23)
    Also, the direct number to the CFO of the company is 562-243-8195.

  • Christian

    Transworld has been calling me numerous times at 4am. They are looking for someone but not my name. I told them to stop but so far in 3 days, each day 2 calls around 4am waking me up.

  • Elaine

    Someone calls from tsi and I haven’t answered it what do I do now ?

  • Blanche K

    TSI calls me several times a day all week and weekend long. They call early and late. I never answer the calls, they never leave a message. How can I make them stop? They are calling from 984-261-0570

  • Joanna B

    ID theft, an account was opened in my name at 10 Cirro Energy on 1-9-2022. After looking at my credit report today, I now see that Tranworld Systems is recorded as my collection agency reported balance of $658. I filed a dispute with the credit bureau today. Nobody from either companys has contacted, I discovered the scam on my credit report.

  • scott r

    I have an AAFES collections account that is approximately 22k. Original balance wzas 4200, and was last paid in December 2010.
    I’ve given TSI 4 tax returns in the last 10 years, totalling about 5k. This includes my 2020 return, which included the first 2 stimulus payments, which are supposed to be protected from tops.
    At this point, I’m seriously considering filing for bankruptcy, ch 7, and I am concerned that even if I discarge the TSI/AAFES debt, I’ll still have the beareau of fiscal mansgement from the treasury and TSI STILL TAKING MY TAX RETURNS THROUGH TOPS!
    What’s the best way forward, guys?
    Email me with any questions, comments, or concerns, advice, or…. ANSWERS! Lol please.

  • Ilse G

    Hola mi caso es que ya en dos oportunidades han querido cobrarme una factura Nro. 795433 de fecha 10-01-2020 de Digestive Care por $55 la cual cancele y la pague el dia 10-29-2020 por tlf, Nro. Confirmacion 192850.
    Posteriormente en fecha 02-08-2021 llamaron de la Agencia de TSI y hable con Norka Lugo me dijo que debia esa factura a lo cual refute corroborando que habia pagado ya esa factura y le di los datos ya indicados anteriormente, recien me acaba de llegar otra comunicacion de TSI TRansworld Systems Inc. indicando que debo esa factura nuevamente, que debo hacer denunciarlos ante Mercado de Salud?
    Si yo no hubiese guardado esa factura y la informacion del pago quien sabe cuantas veces me las estarian cobrando.

  • Donna

    I have received shady calls from TSI regarding Medical federal employer insurance that I was not aware that I had after I left and was no longer receiving a pay check. I was not given a chance to dispute this bill and they Garnish my paycheck without providing notice.

  • Tony D

    Got a call from them. They went to asking for my date of birth and last four of my social. Told them that I don’t give that out to people who call me. She then hung up on me. Add 615-922-6865 as one of the many numbers that Transworld Systems is calling from

  • Neo M

    I have no idea why they just started contacting me. Does anyone contacting on this website get any response or help from the law firm it represents?

    Add ‪(720) 780-8405‬ as a number for Transworld System Inc

  • Ida J

    I have no idea why I received a notice from this company!!! owing who??

  • Matthew

    I’ve never heard of this company, never received anything in the mail from them and the never called me but yet as of 3 weeks ago I getting funds garnished out of my check from them.

  • Teresa

    They took my stimulus too. Over a old military star card that doesn’t exist in the system. That card was charged off over 9 years ago and I had open disputes with them 10 years ago. I only receive social security and VA DIC once a month. I really needed my stimulus money. They are nothing but thieves.

  • Katy

    I get called by this company more than several times a week for the past few YEARS since I got my phone. They ask for the previous owner. I have told them countless times that this is no longer her phone number and to please remove me from their list, yet they still call. It’s very frustrating.

  • Jay T

    My covid relief funds for myself and my child were siezed by TSI via the IRS TOP for a very old AAFES credit card that was charged off 15 years ago (and the account doesn’t exist with AAFES anymore) but recently activated for collections at 3 times the amount. Originally owed. As of this date their websites: IRS, and Treasury department state these funds will not be seized to pay off tax debt or federal debt yet are doing it anyway…Do I have any recourse?

  • Matt G

    I am a disabled veteran. I filed a chapter 11 bankruptcy and it was discharged 1 year ago. As part of my BK I had an exchange credit card that was discharged in the bankruptcy. I filed my taxes jointly with my wife who also had a exchange credit card(also discharged in the BK). The Tax return was seized by transworld systems inc, for a debt was discharged. They have an account open in collections which is illegal and it s accruing intrest and the amount owed $10,000.oo is double what I owed. And they call all hours of the day and night.

  • Ryan C

    Transworld Systems Inc never called me. I’ve attempted to contact them in order to stop the garnishment process, agreed upon a set dollar amount only for them to still garnish over twenty times the amount we agreed on. I am now homeless and do not know where else to turn. Friends & family aren’t able to help at all due to their own financial hardships.

  • D B

    We have been getting recorded calls from this Transworld Systems just about every day, at least 3 times a day for the past month or so. The calls are all recordings from a Loren Von Gundy to call them back at number 866-858-6729. How do we get them to stop??????

  • LV

    I began receiving calls a few months ago from what appears on the caller ID as Mercantile Bank on my work line requesting to speak to a previous employee. I informed them that the employee no longer works here. I continued to receive calls from this number, which I ignored. I decided to answer to ask them again today (11/8/19) to ask them to stop calling as the ex-employee no longer works here. To my surprise, the representative asked for me. I was told that this is a personal business matter. I stated that if this was “a personal business matter,” then why are they calling on my work line? I then hung up. This raised flags for me as I have never had any business with Mercantile Bank. After Googling the number (410-237-6226), I found that this is number is Transworld Systems Inc posing as Mercantile Bank, which is a collection agency that is not in anyway affiliated with Mercantile Bank. They have been made aware that they are calling a state facility, but they continue to call any under the guise of a company that they are not affiliated with.

  • Brittney L

    TSI has been calling 5+ times a DAY! Calling as late as 10pm from multiple numbers. I have blocked over 8+ numbers with them, I’ve even paid extra to a blocking service just to cut down the calls to 3 calls a day. I feel massively harassed, they also been sending tons of mail to my address, my boyfriend’s address, and put 3 things on my credit and threatening more. I don’t know what to do. I’ve tried telling them to stop, blocked the numbers as they come, and even changed my mailing address to a P.O. box. Needing help is an understatement!!!

  • Louise

    Received a letter in mail from this company stating I owe $441.00. Collecting on behalf of Suntrust Bank. Advised them I did not have an acct with that bank. Stated I co-signed for someone and they were collecting on it. Didn’t get the name. Verified last 4 of ssn. They claimed that was the number the bank had. I told them until they can get a signed copy of the document from the bank not to call again. I don’t know if they will or not. But I’m certain if the bank give them a document it is forged. What can I do?

  • Ken M

    I’m constantly being called by transworld systems. All times of the day and at work which my boss said isn’t ok. Ive told them not to call my work and to stop harassing me they have yet to listen..

  • Sean O

    I have a garnishment coming out of my check. $176.55 per pay check. Up to date, I have paid $1,235.85. Transworld is stating that they have not received any payments and I still owe around #1,270. I was paid today and another $176.55 has been taken out. At this point, I have paid more that the debt that was owed. Nobody has been calling me back or can help me. The supervisor I was working with previously no longer works for their company

  • Garla

    they will do anything to SCAM !!

  • veronica

    Can they charge a fee for collection on top of what is owed? I am told that TSI is collecting 20%. I never agreed to this and the fee agreement is between the TSI and the company owed, so why do I need to pay the fee if legal?

  • J. B

    Add (800) 816 – 5569 to the list. They called not long after I woke up this morning asking for my father, who is deceased as of some months ago this year. It took me several times asking who they were calling on behalf of before I was led to this page. If they were more forward, then perhaps they could have gotten a date of death and a request to send documentation of their debt collection claim.

  • Chrissy

    Please add 813-444-4805. These people are relentless. They have even taken to calling me at work daily when I stopped answering my cell for any unknown number. I figure it has to be illegal to harass someone at work.

  • Hugh E

    I have been receiving calls everyday twice a day sometimes from Trans World Systems for several weeks now. I assumed it was a scam or wrong number so I have been ignoring them. They leave messages instructing to call back Laran Von Gundi at 866-858-6729. They say they are a Dept collecting agency and will use all information they obtain for debt collections. That’s it, I know for certain I have no debt that would be in a position to be sent to a collection agency. I have never received any notice from any business that I was even behind on any payments. I don’t know who they are calling but when I got my home phone number on 9/30/17 I started getting dept collector calls, but they would mention a persons name I didn’t even know. After a while the calls stopped. Now this TWS is constantly calling everyday and from reading these reports I hesitate to call them back. I don’t know what I should do at this point I’m getting sick of the messages. Why do they not state the person they are trying to contact so you know if they are calling the correct number. Like I said it can’t be me I have no one that I owe an dept too. And have never received a notice from anyone about a delinquent payment.

  • Chris

    I am CONSTANTLY getting phone calls from this company! I refuse to answer any of their scamming calls, they’re calling me numerous times of the day and I am sick of it. I have blocked the phone number and it shows the same number calling, I know a scam when they don’t leave message and constantly calling. Be careful and cautious, USE YOUR GOD GIVEN SENSE before answering the questions they ask you. Whatever you do, DO NOT SAY YES TO ANYTHING BECAUSE YOU ARE ON A RECORDED CALL. DO NOT GIVE THEM YOUR NAME, THEY CAN DO DAMAGE TO YOUR CREDIT AND STEAL ALL OF YOUR MONEY.

  • Richelle B

    Synchrony Bank is who held my Military Star card account. AAFES has garnished my retirement wages randomly over the last 6 years. I legally changed my name and submitted my name change into the RAPIDS system and DFAS. AAFES has my SSAN and has been successful at garnishing my wages under TOP.They transferred the debt to TSI in Dallas TX and proceeded to call my father who has the same first name I previously held and they threatened him.
    How can AAFES collect a debt via TOP that was under Synchrony Bank and then assign it to a private agency, TSI when they are collecting the funds for another non-government agency?

  • Ed R

    I keep getting phone calls from TSI. Transworld Systems Inc. I get phone calls everyday. The number is: +1 (877) 865-7686. I also get repeat harassment calls from a 369 area code. I block them and they keep calling back on different 369 area code numbers. They call up to 5+ times a day. Its gettig ridiculous. I told them to stop calling me, but they keep on! Im tired of all these harassing phone calls. Thanks!

  • Sheila D

    Called twice yesterday on a sunday and the day before. Each time telling them the person is not at this number and to stop calling

  • Beth S

    Receiving multiple calls a day from different phone numbers robots most of the time. have blocked maybe 10+ of transworld phone numbers and have over 25+ robo voicemails saved in my inbox. The annoyance is high and starting to take time out of my days.

  • Jodie R

    They called me yesterday for my father. How did they even get MY number. The girl was rude and said she would remove my number but refused to even give me her name and a good contact number for my father to call them back. “Its on your caller id” that’s not professional at all. Also, please add this number 866-858-6729

  • Brian S

    I have never heard of this company and I have no idea what they are talking about but I received a correspondence from them via phone stating that I owe 200.00 for a ticket that I don’t even know about or I have never laid eyes on and then the rep proceeded to tell me I needed to pay 200.00 immediately to avoid this from going on my credit. I never received a ticket I have no idea what they are talking about in fact, I wasn’t even given an opportunity to even dispute this so called mystery ticket.

  • Jennifer P

    They are calling multiple times a week from different #’s, and won’t give me any info regarding whom they are collecting for.

  • Anon

    Add: (520)-833-9498

  • John

    Add (850) 541-9423 and (313) 438-8516 to your phone list for TSI.

    • Lemberg L

      Added, thanks!

  • Ronald L

    Just received a garnishment letter from Transworld systems or ADP, hard to tell from garnishment letter.
    Letter says refer to this tracking number:
    If this is from AAFES/Base Exchange, that was discharged on my Chap 7 in 2011. They STILL send bills with fees, interest & penalties. The Treasury Dept sent a threatening letter some time ago about seeking garnishment. This cant be legal since it was included in my Chap 7- Please help!

  • Brian W

    I have been receiving calls from Transworld Systems for a debt owed to the University of Washington Medical Center. I get robo calls from them and they appear to be using different outbound phone numbers with different area codes. I did call them back once and I spoke with someone that said that they didn’t have any information about me, even when I gave them a reference number. I then went to their website to request detailed statements about the amount that I owe but never received any statements from them.

    Today, 12/12/2017, I called them again and when I told them that a prior representative didn’t have any information about me, the representaive seemed to chuckle when responding that “this was a trainee that probably didn’t know what he was doing”. I felt very uncomfortable with this response as the representative’s reaction was a way of saying “You’re lying”. I also requested that the documents and statements that I requested be either e-mailed of faxed to me as that is the best way to get invoices to me. They said that they don’t do e-mail or faxes and when I asked why, they said that they simply didn’t. They didn’t cite any privacy law (HIPPA) or anything else. At this point I lost my temper and told the representative to stop lying to me and to e-mail me the requested documents.

    The conduct of this company is appalling and while they may be a legitimate agency, they behave like scammers. I will not pay them one red cent until they send me the documents via a method of my choice.

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