Afni Collections Harassment

How To Put An End to Unwanted Calls and Debt Collector Abuse and Threats.

Updated on Author: Sergei Lemberg

Updated on Author: Sergei Lemberg

Are you being harassed by Afni Collections?


You Can Stop Afni Collections’ Harassment for Free

Debt collection agencies like Afni Collections (AFNI) are notorious for harassing customers and, in even more serious cases, negatively affecting their credit scores or taking legal action against them. If AFNI contacts you for any reason, Lemberg Law can help!

To do so, you can call Lemberg Law today for a completely free consultation. We will review your case with no obligations, and let you know what we can do to help you stop AFNI’s harassment, win compensation, and even delete AFNI from your credit report. When we win, AFNI must pay your attorney fees and court costs.

You can also take a look through this page, which provides useful information on AFNI and how you can stop their harassment.

  • Section A: Understanding AFNI  
    • Understand what AFNI is, how they work, their legitimacy, and the long history of legal action and complaints against them.
  • Section B: Knowing Your Rights Over Afni Collections  
    • Get to know how the law protects and empowers you, as well as if your rights have been violated by AFNI. Learn what AFNI legally can and cannot do as a collection agency, including their ability to report debt to credit bureaus, if they can sue you or garnish your wages, and how harassment is prohibited.
  • Section C: Getting AFNI Off Your Back  
    • Learn about how we can help you with a lawsuit that may result in monetary compensation. When we win, AFNI must pay your attorney fees and court costs.


Understanding Afni Collections 

What is Afni Collections?

Afni, Inc., also known as Afni/Bloom or AFNI, is a third-party debt collection agency based in Bloomington, Illinois. According to the Better Business Bureau (BBB), AFNI was founded in 1936. In addition to their headquarters, AFNI has offices in multiple other US states, Mexico, and the Philippines. Per Buzzfile, AFNI has 3,400 total employees and generates an annual revenue of $373.9 million.

AFNI may be large, but they also receive a large number of complaints on multiple established platforms, including the BBB and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). These complaints primarily allege violations of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), which is consumers’ main source of legal protection against collection agencies. Additionally, our firm has received many such complaints from clients seeking an end to AFNI’s harassment.

Contact Information

Afni Inc
1310 Martin Luther King Drive
Bloomington, IL 61701

How Does Afni Collections Operate? 

As a third-party collection agency, businesses hire AFNI to help collect debts from their customers. If you owe a debt to some company, AFNI may contact you on that original creditor’s behalf. In terms of debt collection, AFNI specializes in collecting delinquent debts for “telecommunications, wireless, internet, and cable/satellite companies.” For example, AFNI, along with other collection agencies, collects debts from some of AT&T’s customers.

AFNI also offers other customer-relation services for various industries. AFNI’s insurance division provides “care and billing support” and “subrogation management.” Their healthcare division provides a “contact center and back office operation to help healthcare companies manage patient relationships.” However, AFNI also offers collection services to both insurance and healthcare companies.

In addition to collections, AFNI provides first-party billing services for pre-charge-off delinquent accounts. They also offer various business process outsourcing services such as customer growth and acquisition, call center solutions, digital engagement, and back office processing.

Across all industries, AFNI analyzes “customer profile and behavior” to most effectively collect debts. They also utilize data scientists as well as business and academia experts to “create industry-leading models” that they use to target debtors. Despite their claim of focus on customer care and satisfaction, AFNI is always on the creditor’s side. Their focus is, without exception, to extract personal information and payments from everyday consumers like you.

Have questions? Call us now at 475-277-1600 for a Free Case Evaluation.

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The harassing company pays our fees.

Is Afni Collections a Scam? 

AFNI is not a scam. However, this does not mean you necessarily owe them the debt they claim you do. Furthermore, they are not above the law. As a collection agency, AFNI must adhere to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). This federal law prohibits AFNI from harassing you, and entitles you to:

  1. Be told the name of the creditor who is owed the debt.
  2. Be told the amount of the debt.
  3. Be told why you owe the debt.
  4. Be told the name of the debt collector.
  5. Request proof of the debt.
  6. Dispute the debt.
  7. Refuse to pay the debt if you believe it is not valid.
  8. Not be harassed or threatened by the debt collector.

AFNI’s History of Complaints: Harassment and Lawsuits  

Like many other collection agencies, AFNI receives hundreds of customer complaints alleging violations of the FDCPA and other consumer protection laws. In addition to these complaints, AFNI has been the defendant in dozens of civil litigation cases.

Take a look at this summary of complaints and legal action against AFNI, which shows just how common it is for consumers to fight back against violations of their rights. You can also call Lemberg Law today for a free consultation, which we’ve used to help many clients alleging AFNI harassment.

AFN Complaints Filed with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau 

  • The CFPB Customer Complaint Database lists 1,881 customer-filed complaints regarding debt collection. These include 828 alleged attempts to collect debt not owed, 349 alleged continued attempts to collect debt not owed, and 230 alleged problems with written notification about the debt.
  • The CFPB also lists 326 customer-filed complaints regarding credit reporting or other personal consumer reports.

AFNI Complaints Filed with the Better Business Bureau 

  • AFNI has a ⅕ star customer rating on the BBB website, and they are not BBB accredited.
  • The BBB listed 519 customer complaints closed in the last 3 years. 141 of those complaints were closed in the last 12 months.
  • Customer complaints mostly allege billing issues but also reference a few problems with customer service and service/repair.

Legal Action Taken Against AFNI 

  • A legal database provided by Justia lists dozens of civil litigation cases in which AFNI is the defendant.
  • According to ALM, AT&T and AFNI Inc. were sued in 2023 for allegedly violating the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.
  • Also in 2023, AFNI settled a $1.85 million class action lawsuit that claimed the collection agency was responsible for a data breach that compromised thousands of customers’ personal information, per Top Class Action.

Knowing Your Rights and Power Over Afni Collections 

Who are we? We are Lemberg Law, a Consumer Law Firm

Lemberg Law is a consumer law firm helping victims of collection harassment and abuse. We are ranked A+ by the BBB. We’ve helped more than 15,000 consumers stop harassment and recover money from debt collectors. Harassed? Abused? Misled by a collector? Call our Helpline today!  There is no charge unless we win.

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA)

The FDCPA empowers you to…

  1. Be told the name of the creditor who is owed the debt.
  2. Be told the amount of the debt.
  3. Be told why you owe the debt.
  4. Be told the name of the debt collector.
  5. Request proof of the debt.
  6. Dispute the debt.
  7. Refuse to pay the debt if you believe it is not valid.
  8. Not be harassed or threatened by the debt collector.

The FDCPA is your main defense against debt collection agencies like AFNI. This powerful federal law not only prohibits AFNI from harassing you or attempting to collect debt unfairly, but it also allows you to sue AFNI for free and win compensation if they harass you. More specifically, you can win damages of up to $1,000 if AFNI has violated your rights under the FDCPA. When you win your suit, AFNI must pay for your court costs and attorney fees.

What AFNI Can and Cannot Do 

Any Form of Harassment Is Illegal 

The FDCPA protects you from harassment when collection agencies like AFNI attempt to collect debt. In fact, federal regulations prohibit AFNI from harassing you in any way. According to the CFPB, AFNI cannot harass, oppress, or abuse consumers, use “false, deceptive, or misleading representation or means,” or attempt “unfair or unconscionable means” when collecting debt.

Other federal laws such as the Consumer Financial Protection Act (CFPA) and the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) also protect your rights as a consumer. However, it is the FDCPA that gives you the most legal authority over AFNI. If you suspect AFNI has harassed you in any way, the FDCPA allows you to file a free lawsuit against them, which can stop their abuse and win you compensation.

Credit Reporting Is Regulated 

Many consumers report having to deal with the appearance of Afni Collections on their credit report as the result of an alleged debt. While AFNI can report delinquent debts to credit reporting agencies, the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) strictly regulates how they do so.

The FCRA ensures that AFNI cannot report debts to harass or intimidate you into making payments. If AFNI has appeared on your credit report, Lemberg Law can help you remove them. Call today for a free consultation to see how we can help you protect your credit.

Empty Threats to Sue You or Garnish Your Wages are Illegal 

A potential debt collection tactic is the empty threat to sue a customer or garnish their wages. This is highly illegal, and if AFNI has made such threats, you may have a harassment case against them.

However, it is important to note that while AFNI will likely not sue you for a debt you may not owe or they cannot validate, debt collection agencies are known to summon debtors to court and garnish wages after a default judgment. In other words, AFNI can take negative legal action against you as long as they follow through on their threat to do so.

So, even though the empty threat of a lawsuit and wage garnishment is illegal harassment, AFNI can still legally sue you. If AFNI is threatening to take you to court, or if you want to avoid this possibility altogether, call Lemberg Law for free legal protection.

Have Your Rights Been Violated? 

It can be difficult to know for sure if you have a viable case against a collection agency. To find out, you can call Lemberg Law today for a free assessment of your case. You can also take a look at these common FDCPA violations to see if AFNI has violated your rights:

Lemberg Law Can Get AFNI Off Your Back 

Get Free BBB A+ Attorney. Call 475-277-1600 NOW

Unlawful Debt Harassment? Learn the Law & Sue the Collector.

At Lemberg Law, we have years of experience dealing with debt collectors like AFNI. We offer our free legal services, starting with a free consultation, to customers like you who are victims of abuse and harassment at the hands of collectors.

While it may seem like a big step, suing AFNI may be the only way to stop their harassment, win monetary compensation, and delete them from your credit report. If you want to enforce your rights and win justice against AFNI, Lemberg Law is here to offer you our absolutely free legal services.

Take a look at what we can do for you: 

  • Lemberg Law offers free legal services: when we win your lawsuit, the FDCPA requires AFNI to pay us for your attorney fees and court costs.
  • Lemberg Law can win you compensation of up to $1,000.
  • Lemberg Law can delete AFNI from your credit report.
  • Lemberg Law can protect you from negative legal action taken by AFNI.
  • Lemberg Law can stop harassment immediately: when an attorney represents you, AFNI must contact us instead of you.
  • Lemberg Law will get your life back on track: when we handle the tedious legal details, AFNI can’t burden you any more than they already have.

See What Your Case Against AFNI May Look Like

Here are some sample cases filed in federal court:

In 2018, a proposed class action lawsuit was filed against Afni, Inc. which claims the it violated federal debt collection law by hindering a consumer from disputing a debt and failing to clearly identify her creditor.

In January 2016, in United States District Court for the Southern District of Indiana, Indianapolis Division, a judge issued a decision in a case alleging AFNI had violated several provisions of  the FDCPA. In this case, the plaintiff in 2012 had hired an attorney, who sent a letter to AFNI explaining that the plaintiff was now represented by an attorney regarding“‘all debts that she may have’ and that AFNI should ‘immediately terminate any further direct or indirect contacts with’” the plaintiff. The letter included contact information for the plaintiff, the last four digits of her social security number, and a statement indicating that “any further direct or indirect contacts with the plaintiff will result in the… filing of a claim against” them. One year later, the plaintiff filed for bankruptcy, and AFNI was listed as on the plaintiff’s “bankruptcy schedule as the creditor for three of the plaintiff’s debts, namely collection accounts from” 3 telecommunications providers. AFNI received the bankruptcy notice shortly thereafter, and it contained information about the plaintiff’s attorney, including his contact information. The plaintiff’s debts were discharged under bankruptcy a few months later, and AFNI was notified the same day. AFNI failed to update the account information for one of the discharged accounts.

Subsequently, about 5 months after the debts were discharged under bankruptcy, AFNI obtained a credit report on the plaintiff and sent her a collection letter with a settlement offer for the account they had failed to update. Instead of responding to the letter, the plaintiff took it to her attorney, who filed a complaint against AFNI, citing violations of FDCPA Sections 1692c, 1692d, 1692e, and 1692f, as well as the Fair Credit Reporting Act, Section 1681b(f). Section 1692c of the FDCPA prohibits a debt collector from “communicating with a consumer in connection with the collection of any debt if the debt collector knows the consumer is represented by an attorney.” The court upheld the plaintiff’s right to sue AFNI on this count. Section 1692d prohibits debt collection agencies from engaging “in any conduct the natural consequence of which is to harass, oppress, or abuse any person in connection with the collection of a debt.” The court upheld AFNI’s objection to this charge because the letter did not use language that was threatening or abusive. Section 1692e prohibits “the false representation of the character, amount, or legal status of any debt.” The court upheld the plaintiff’s right to sue AFNI on this count. Section 1692f prohibits a “debt collector from… using unfair or unconscionable means to collect or attempt to collect any debt.” The court upheld AFNI’s objection that the letter itself did not violate this section of the FDCPA. As for the FCRA violation, the plaintiff argued that AFNI had “obtained her credit report after her debt was discharged in bankruptcy,” and that because they “no longer had a permissible purpose” for obtaining the report, their conduct violated the FCRA. The court upheld her complaint. The case was set for trial to determine the amount of damages to be awarded to the plaintiff.

Press Releases of Lawsuits Brought On By Lemberg Law

November 13, 2015. On behalf of our client, Lemberg Law recently filed a complaint in U.S. District Court, Southern District of Texas. The case, against AFNI, charges the debt collection agency with violating federal law and asks for $1,000 in statutory FDCPA damages, $500 to $1,500 per call in statutory TCPA damages, plus other relief.

Robocalls are getting more sophisticated, but hearing a prerecorded voice when you answer the phone is a definite giveaway. Our client said that AFNI robocalled his cell phone, and that when he answered, a recorded voice asked him to hold for the next available representative.

At one point, our client mailed a cease and desist letter to AFNI, telling them not to contact him. Even so, he says that they continued to robocall his cell phone.

This lawsuit charges that AFNI violated the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) by engaging in harassing behavior; and by using unfair and unconscionable means to collect a debt. It also charges that AFNI violated the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) by placing automated calls to our client’s cell phone without his consent.

What Our Clients Are Saying

“As we discussed on the phone earlier today, this settlement is perfectly okay to me. I need to thank you and all of your cohorts at Lemberg Law to get a project handled so professionally. Please allow Amy, the first person who contacted me from Lemberg, know how much I appreciate her efforts, kindness, and professionalism.”

“My mom and I want to say thanks to the team of Lemberg Law for all the hard work and effort that was taken to take care of the debt collector and the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Because of this, the phones do not ring off the hook .”

“We realize that ours is only one little case among many — and a lot more serious — but are heartened by the fact that you accepted it represented us with a professionalism that belied the dollar amount.”

“I just wanted to let you know we received the check from your office on now and I wanted to take some time to inform you that we really appreciate all of your efforts in this matter.”

Share your story

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Sergei Lemberg

About the Author:

Sergei Lemberg is an attorney focusing on consumer law, class actions related to automotive issues, and personal injury litigation. With nearly two decades of experience, his areas of practice include Lemon Law (vehicle defects), Debt Collection Harassment, TCPA (illegal robocalls and texts), Fair Credit Reporting Act, Overtime claims, Personal Injury cases, and Class Actions. He has consistently been recognized as the nation's "most active consumer attorney." In 2020, Mr. Lemberg represented Noah Duguid before the United States Supreme Court in the landmark case Duguid v. Facebook. He is also the author of "Defanging Debt Collectors," a guide that empowers consumers to fight back against debt collectors and prevail, as well as "Lemon Law 101: The Laws That Lemon Dealers Don't Want You to Know."

See more posts from Sergei Lemberg
  • Gabriel P

    I was used as a referral for someone and now I don’t even know where that person is and have no more contact with her. Afni has called me 3 times already asking me if she’s available. I’ve told them all 3 times that sorry but unfortunately I don’t know where she is.

  • Steve

    Afni Collections is a third part debt collector based out of Bloomington, IL. They have a subrogation claim against me from Allstate Insurance for $10,700. Another collection agency previously has this claim previously CCS collections out of Massachucetts for the same anount. I know the amount is ivalid. This supposed claim was probably was sold from CCS collections after I sent the dispute letter 6 months ago to this agency. AFNI has now has it. I have disputed this claim as well as told what to do and how to solve it and sent a cease and desist letter by certified mail. They are complying as for right now. My best guess this same file will continue to bounce around from agency to agency until statue of limitations run out or until some type of litigation I think is highly unlikely because the claim is ivalid. I have all the paperwork. Best advice to consumers is that even if you think the debt is yours is to dispute and ask for verification nonetheless and don’t admit to the debt and seek legal council if you are unsure about your rights.

  • Amanda D

    I’ve been contacted by Afni on a Subrogation case w/Progressive Ins. They claim that facts indicate that I MAY be liable for all or part of a $2600 payout. Basically my plate number was reported by a witness & would be in an 8 month old police report. Nothing has ever been taken to court. I’m concerned that they are baiting me & want to proceed carefully. I feel confident nobody is going to try to sue & mostly I don’t want to talk to anybody or give out any information. I’m not sure how to deal w a flimsy Subrogation Claim without giving any info & with a company with such a horrible reputation. Just not wanting to make any mistakes. I sent a certified stating I am unaware of this claim & please send proof that I owe it and that they are authorized to collect. I know they don’t have proof that I owe it – they have evidence that I MAY owe all or part. And it’s not worth anybody’s time to take it to court and prove anything one way or the other

  • Deborah H

    Afni has continually called me dispute me blocking them…..they solved tht… they switched up and used another number driving me crazy

  • Jessi B

    This company is calling my family to get my number. I’m sure it’s on a mortgage problem I’m having. My loan was bought by Caliber, we’ve been to court, we wine now there trying to foreclose on my home. Can’t get another mortgage, they have doubled what I owe and put it on my credit report. I’ve emailed the federal trade commission, waiting for an answer. I hope I get help. I’ve paid my mortgage, the amount chase told me to when I purchased. Never missed one pmts
    They won’t acept them, send all back. I have the documents from court. I don’t know what else to do. Can you help me?

  • William M

    In Nov. 2009 I had open heart surgery and post op I had pulmonary problems which put me in rehab for 3 1/2 months. I had a very difficult recovery but eventually I came home. I discovered a notice that my cell phone at AT&T mobile had gone unpaid and was four months past due. I went to an AT&T outlet store and paid the past due billing and explained what had happened. Several weeks went by and AT&T did not re-activate my cell service and I returned to the AT&T outlet and made an inquiry, Their representative called the home office and after a few minutes she told us the company was not interested because we had gone four months delinquent. In April of 2010 we opened an account with Consumer Cellular. In Dec. 2010 we received a billing from AT&T for $199 and I called them and explained what had taken place. They took the position that my explanation was a total fabrication and continued to send notices. In 2011 we started getting billing from AFNI for $198 and they posted the delinquency to my credit reports. For some reason they never closed the account and the notice has remained on my credit reports since 2010 until now. Somehow they have re-aged this matter and are showing the opening date of this delinquent billing as occurring in Dec. 2014. I have submitted several challenges through Credit Karma and each time all I get in return is the billing is accurate and meets regulations. This issue has gone on longer than the 7 1/2 years limitation. Can anything be done to dismiss this bogus claim? My current credit score is between 736 and 743 and this $198 dollar claim is the only detrimental information on my credit reports. Can you help resolve this issue?

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