Unfair Debt Collection: How to Stop Debt Collectors


Stopping Collectors Engaging in Unfair Debt Collection

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act was designed to protect you from debt collector harassment and stop unfair debt collection. It makes certain debt collection activities illegal. For example, debt collectors can’t:

  • Call early in the morning or late at night
  • Call several times a week
  • Tell other people about your debt
  • Threaten you
  • Use profane language
  • And the list goes on and on….

You need to know how to stop debt collectors. There are three primary ways to stop unfair debt collection:

  1. Send them a cease and desist letter. While a cease and desist letter won’t make the debt go away, it should stop the calls and letters. Once your cease and desist letter is received, it is a violation of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act for a debt collector to contact you, except to tell you that they are taking legal action or that they will not longer attempt to collect the debt.
  2. Fight unfair debt collection by hiring a fair debt attorney. When you are represented by a fair debt attorney, all communications from a debt collector must go to your attorney. If you notify the debt collection agency that you have an attorney and the debt collectors still communicate with you directly, it is considered unfair debt collection and is a violation of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.
  3. Sue the debt collector in federal court. The best way to stop unfair debt collection is to sue violating debt collection agencies in federal court. In doing so, you could be awarded up to $1,000, plus attorney fees and court costs.

If you’ve been threatened or harassed by Debt collectors, you can fight back. If you’re ready to stop debt collector abuse, to speak with a representative directly and immediately call 844-685-9200 for a free, no obligation case evaluation. Lemberg Law will help you reclaim your life, gain peace of mind, and stop law-breaking debt collectors in their tracks.

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