2023-2024 Honda CR-V Mirror Vibration Problems

Class Action Investigation

Updated on Author: Sergei Lemberg

Updated on Author: Sergei Lemberg

Lemberg Law is investigating numerous complaints that the 2023-2024 Honda CR-V has a major mirror vibration problem. Owners are complaining that the mirrors on the vehicle driver’s side vibrate so that images in the mirror are blurred making them difficult to see. Some say that replacing them makes no difference. 

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Are There Mirror Vibration Problems with the 2023 and 2024 Honda CR-V?

An increasing number of owners of 2023 and 2024 Honda CR-V vehicles say there is a major problem with mirrors on the driver’s side vibrating. There is a theory that it’s a problem with the adhesive used and warmer weather. But some owners have had their mirrors replaced, and the fix doesn’t work. There is also the puzzle of why the adhesive would be faulty on the driver’s side and not the passenger side.

In this post, we’re going to look at official complaints to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) as well as comments made in several CR-V forums. It’s clearly a very common problem.

What Mirror Vibration Problems Are CR-V Owners Experiencing?

The short answer is that when the driver’s side mirror vibrates it makes it extremely difficult for drivers to see, especially at night. Some owners report that their driver’s side mirror also produces a distorted image, others report that the vibrations make them feel dizzy. There are also complaints that the hood of CR-V vehicles vibrates, which may, or may not, be linked to the mirror issue.

Problems described by both 2023 and 2024 CR-V owners are essentially the same. However, at this stage (mid-October 2023), there are understandably fewer complaints about the newly released 2024 model.

What Owners Are Telling the NHTSA

One thing all these complaints have in common is that it is only the driver’s side mirror that is affected, not the passenger side mirror.

Reporting a distorted mirror image, an owner from Pennsylvania states that the driver’s side mirror also vibrates at high speeds. It “appears to be in the mirror glass, rather than the mirror housing. The distorted image and the vibration make it very disorienting, distracting, and dangerous to drive the vehicle.”

A complaint from an owner in Ohio lists several issues, one of which is the driver’s side mirror. For 4 months I drove the car unsafely, unable to use the driver-side mirror. This caused anxiety, stress, and (it was) dangerous especially merging on the freeway.” The dealer replaced the mirror four months later, but it made “the situation worse.” Since then, the problem has persisted, and the owner states the mirror “is not adjustable electronically, and it is unstable.”

An owner from Maine has both hood- and mirror-shaking issues. The complaint states that “the driver’s side mirror shakes and vibrates lots at highway speeds making it difficult to use day or night, it is terrible.” Additionally, the “hood shakes like crazy at speeds over 60 mph.” While there is no feedback from the dealer about the mirror vibrations, the owner was told that the hood vibrations were normal “and there is nothing they can do.”

Problems with a vibrating hood and mirror were reported to Honda by another Pennsylvanian owner. The complaint states that while driving at 60 mph or faster, the “driver-side rear mirror visibly vibrates and vibration increases at higher speed.” Honda replaced the mirror once, but it didn’t help. Over time, vibration pops the mirror off “losing visibility impairing safety driving.” That’s the end of it.

Forum Threads Tell the Same Story

Members of Honda forums are reporting the same defect. And it isn’t just the CR-V that’s affected.

A member of the CR-V Owners Club states that the vibrations cause a distorted view. “The dealer said they were aware and a recall notice would be issued.” That was in April 2023, and by mid-October 2023 there wasn’t any indication of a recall.

In March 2023, Honda issued a “service news article” to dealers stating that the rearview mirror mount spring “has a new design.” It states that it is designed to “break away in the event of a crash.” But this doesn’t appear to link to the vibration issues. It simply states that if the mirror is removed from the windshield, the mount spring must be replaced.

Similar problems are recorded by 2021 Honda Ridgeline owners on the same forum. “I have noticed the left mirror vibrates at highway speeds (60+), enough to make objects quite blurry. Best I can tell the housing itself isn’t moving, just the mirror. The right side seems pretty solid. Such a minor issue but also rather annoying.”

The owner of a 2021 Honda Odyssey said he “literally had to fight” for a new mirror because the service department said “it was normal to have vibrations.”

The owner of a 2020 CR-V had the same issue. The side mirror would vibrate “on idle, driving at any speed, and on bumpy roads. It’s noticeable, and the images do get a little fuzzy. I took it into the dealers and they gave BS excuses that it was normal.“

Owners say the same thing on Reddit. “It only happens when driving and is very annoying. Passenger side is completely fine. Driver side has a slight vibration in it, enough to cause a blurred view out of it.”

What Should You Do if Your CR-V’s Mirror is Vibrating or Shaking?

If your 2023 or 2024 Honda CR-V has issues with mirrors vibrating you may qualify to join our class action investigation. All you have to do is fill out a contact form or call our Helpline. We will evaluate your case to see if you qualify.

There are no costs involved because the law says Honda must pay the legal bills for all lemon law cases. We value your input and look forward to any information you are able to supply.

Sergei Lemberg

About the Author:

Sergei Lemberg is an attorney focusing on consumer law, class actions related to automotive issues, and personal injury litigation. With nearly two decades of experience, his areas of practice include Lemon Law (vehicle defects), Debt Collection Harassment, TCPA (illegal robocalls and texts), Fair Credit Reporting Act, Overtime claims, Personal Injury cases, and Class Actions. He has consistently been recognized as the nation's "most active consumer attorney." In 2020, Mr. Lemberg represented Noah Duguid before the United States Supreme Court in the landmark case Duguid v. Facebook. He is also the author of "Defanging Debt Collectors," a guide that empowers consumers to fight back against debt collectors and prevail, as well as "Lemon Law 101: The Laws That Lemon Dealers Don't Want You to Know."

See more posts from Sergei Lemberg

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