✓ Our records show that 877-698-3261 belongs to One Call Now, a company that may be contacting you for debt collection purposes.
✓ One Call Now is required to follow the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) when attempting to collect on a debt.
✓ Common FDCPA violations by One Call Now include:
**Calling you excessively or at inappropriate times**: One Call Now must avoid calling you before 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m. without your consent. If they call during these times, they may be in violation of the FDCPA.
**Using harassment or threatening tactics**: Debt collectors are prohibited from making aggressive or hostile statements. One Call Now cannot threaten or insult you in any way.
**Failure to provide debt validation**: If you request written verification of the debt, One Call Now must provide proof that the debt is legitimate and the amount owed is accurate.
**Revealing your debt to third parties**: It is unlawful for One Call Now to discuss your debt with anyone other than you, including family, friends, or coworkers, without your explicit permission except in a few strict circumstances.
**Making false claims about the debt**: One Call Now cannot misrepresent the nature, amount, or validity of the debt they are trying to collect. They must be truthful in all communications.
✓ If you feel that One Call Now has violated your FDCPA rights, you could be entitled to compensation.
✓ Reach out to Lemberg Law for a free consultation and to discuss your legal options in more detail.
Ways You Might See This Number
This could be a Debt Collector calling you.
Other Examples of Illegal Harassment
- Multiple calls per week or day
- Attempts to collect more than you owe
- Early morning or late night calls
- Calls to friends, neighbors, or coworkers
- Collection calls at work
- Use of obscene language
- Threats of violence, lawsuit, or arrest
- Attempts to intimidate you
- Use of obscene language
- Multiple calls from different phone numbers