Who owns 855-478-6384?
If 855-478-6384 is calling you, it is likely from First Financial Asset Management, a debt collection agency. While debt collectors can contact you, they must follow the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). If they have ignored these rules, you may be able to take legal action.
FDCPA Violations to Watch For
✔ Too many calls or calls at odd hours – If 855-478-6384 is calling excessively or outside 8 a.m. to 9 p.m., it may be a violation.
✔ Harassment or intimidation – Debt collectors cannot use threats, profane language, or aggressive tactics.
✔ Failure to verify the debt – First Financial Asset Management must send a written debt validation notice within five days of first contact.
✔ Talking to third parties – They cannot discuss your debt with family, friends, or coworkers.
✔ False or misleading claims – If 855-478-6384 has misrepresented the amount you owe or falsely threatened legal action, they may be violating federal law.
Don’t Let Debt Collectors Cross the Line
If First Financial Asset Management is violating your rights, you don’t have to tolerate it. You may even be entitled to compensation.
📞 Call Lemberg Law for a free consultation. Let’s put an end to the harassment today.
Ways You Might See This Number
This could be a Debt Collector calling you.
Other Examples of Illegal Harassment
- Multiple calls per week or day
- Attempts to collect more than you owe
- Early morning or late night calls
- Calls to friends, neighbors, or coworkers
- Collection calls at work
- Use of obscene language
- Threats of violence, lawsuit, or arrest
- Attempts to intimidate you
- Use of obscene language
- Multiple calls from different phone numbers