✓ Our records indicate that 844-466-5519 belongs to Conserve, a company that may be attempting to contact you regarding an outstanding debt.
✓ Conserve is required to follow the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) when making collections calls.
✓ Common FDCPA violations by Conserve include:
**Calling you at work**: If you have informed Conserve that you are not allowed to receive calls at your place of employment, they are prohibited from calling you there unless they receive your consent or a court order. If they continue calling you at work after you've requested no contact, this could be a violation of the FDCPA.
**Making excessive or repeated calls**: Conserve must avoid contacting you excessively, as this can be considered harassment. The FDCPA restricts debt collectors from calling you too often.
**Threatening or abusive language**: Conserve cannot use threatening, profane, or abusive language to intimidate you into paying. If they engage in such conduct, it may be considered a violation of the FDCPA.
**Failing to validate the debt**: You have the right to request a written verification of the debt. Conserve is required to provide proof of the debt's legitimacy upon request. Failing to do so could be a violation of your rights.
**Disclosing your debt to third parties**: Conserve cannot share information about your debt with anyone other than you, unless you’ve given consent or there’s a legal reason to do so.
✓ If Conserve has violated your FDCPA rights, you may be entitled to compensation.
✓ Contact Lemberg Law today for a free consultation and to explore your legal options.
Ways You Might See This Number
This could be a Debt Collector calling you.
Other Examples of Illegal Harassment
- Multiple calls per week or day
- Attempts to collect more than you owe
- Early morning or late night calls
- Calls to friends, neighbors, or coworkers
- Collection calls at work
- Use of obscene language
- Threats of violence, lawsuit, or arrest
- Attempts to intimidate you
- Use of obscene language
- Multiple calls from different phone numbers