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Free Help to Stop IC System Collections Harassment

How To Put An End to Unwanted Calls and Debt Collector Abuse and Threats.

Updated on Author: Sergei Lemberg

Updated on Author: Sergei Lemberg

IC System

End IC System Harassment Today for Free 

Is IC System appearing on your credit report in the form of an unpaid debt? Are they harassing you for payments, claiming you owe a debt to a different creditor? If this is the case, your best may be to take legal action. When you file a lawsuit against IC System, you can put an end to their harassment, win compensation, and even delete them from your credit report.

If the debt collection agency IC System violates your rights in any way, they are required to pay your legal fees. Therefore, Lemberg Law can offer you our premium legal services for free. You can start the process by calling us today for a free consultation. When you call, we’ll assess your case and let you know what we can do to help!

On this page, you can read about IC System, your rights as a consumer, and how Lemberg Law can get IC System off your back for free. This information will help you figure out where you stand before responding to IC System’s calls or taking any further action. However, the best way to understand your case is to review your legal options with a debt collection lawyer, and our experienced team of attorneys is standing by to win you the justice you deserve.


What Is IC System and How Do They Work? 

Who You’re Dealing With

IC System, Inc. (ICS) is a collection agency specializing in third-party debt collection. This means they help other businesses collect debts from their customers. When one of these original creditors hires ICS, it is usually because they are unable to gather payments on their own for debts that are long overdue.

ICS is prominent in the debt collection industry, mostly due to their size and for how long they’ve been around. Founded in 1938, ICS generates tens of millions in annual revenue and employs hundreds at various locations around the United States, per Manta. The headquarters of this family-owned business is located in St. Paul, Minnesota.

While ICS is a large company, they must follow the same consumer protection laws as everyone else. However, they are notorious for violations of regulations like the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). Their history of violations, which you can read more about below, has led many people to contact us seeking justice and compensation.

Contact Information

IC System, Inc

444 Hwy 96 E

St. Paul, MN 55127


IC System’s Business Model 

As a third-party collection agency, creditors hire ICS to assist in the collection of debts. These creditors are typically small to medium-sized businesses in various industries, including pest control companies, veterinarian offices, chiropractors, optometrists, healthcare/medical service providers, dentists, government agencies, banks/credit card lenders, utility service providers, communication/cellular telephone companies, and education lenders.

ICS offers a wide variety of debt collection services to creditors. According to ICS, their main program (Recovery Plus) is set up in two phases. In Phase One, ICS uses “correspondence” like letters, emails, and texts to set up payment plans with customers. In Phase Two, ICS turns to “intensive collection treatments,” which include credit reporting/monitoring, skip tracing, attorney referral, and litigation referral. ICS also offers a smaller-scale program called InstiCollect which offers similar debt collection services.

No matter which specific service a creditor selects, your debt does not necessarily change. The only difference is that ICS now has information regarding your original account. ICS will then reach out to you for payment like the original creditor would. However, it is important to know that, since ICS is a collection agency, they are under strict regulations dictating how they can go about collecting debts. You can read more about these regulations and your rights below.

Have questions? Call us now at 475-277-1600 for a Free Case Evaluation.

Our services are absolutely FREE to you.

The harassing company pays our fees.

Is IC System Legitimate? 

Are They a Scam?

ICS is a legitimate business. However, the debt collection industry is highly regulated to prevent companies like ICS from taking advantage of consumers like you. Because ICS’s goal is to serve creditors, they are notorious for violating consumer protection laws often. When they do, the law entitles consumers to file a lawsuit against ICS for free.

Common alleged violations, including failure to verify debts and attempts to collect debts not owed, are illegal under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). If you think ICS is harassing you in any way, call us today for a free consultation, and we can evaluate your case. To learn more about the many complaints and lawsuits against ICS, read the section immediately below.

Consumers have reported this agency harassing them from the following numbers:

  • 404-793-1306
  • 877-262-6919
  • 201-397-1635
  • 202-367-9027
  • 202-367-9070
  • 202-367-9071
  • 202-367-9142
  • 202-367-9252
  • 202-367-9284
  • 202-367-9287
  • 202-367-9716

Common Complaints and Lawsuits Against IC System

Websites like the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) list thousands of customer complaints filed against ICS. These complaints allege violations ranging from harassment to unfair credit reporting. Additionally, there have been dozens of cases of civil litigation taken against ICS already.

Customer Complaints Filed With BBB

  • Customer reviews rate ICS the minimum ⅕ stars on the BBB website.
  • There are 1,699 customer complaints closed in the last 3 years, with 705 complaints closed in the last 12 months alone.
  • Customer complaints allege billing issues, order issues, customer service issues, and more.

Customer Complaints Filed With CFPB 

  • There have been 2,647 complaints filed against ICS with the CFPB in the past 3 years.
  • 1,974 of these complaints have to do with debt collection, while 632 are about credit reporting or other personal consumer reports.
  • Complaints include alleged attempts to collect debt not owed, issues with written notification about debt, incorrect information on customers’ reports, false statements or representation, problems with a credit reporting company’s investigation into an existing problem, improper use of customers’ reports, illegal communication tactics, and many more.

Civil Litigation Taken Against ICS 

  • Justia records dozens of cases of civil litigation taken against ICS.
  • Many of these cases, in which ICS is the defendant, were filed due to alleged violations of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) by ICS. You can read more about this federal regulation, which is the primary consumer-protection law in the debt collection industry, below.

What Are My Rights?

Who are we? We are Lemberg Law, a Consumer Law Firm

Lemberg Law is a consumer law firm helping victims of collection harassment and abuse. We are ranked A+ by the BBB. We’ve helped more than 15,000 consumers stop harassment and recover money from debt collectors. Harassed? Abused? Misled by a collector? Call our Helpline today!  There is no charge unless we win.

As a consumer, multiple federal laws, including the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), and the Consumer Financial Protection Act (CFPA) protect your rights. The FDCPA and FCRA, however, are your main lines of defense. They protect you from harassment and negative credit reporting. They also empower you to take free legal action when ICS violates your rights.

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA)

The FDCPA exists to stop debt collectors from harassing you in any way. According to the CFPB, under this Act, ICS cannot harass, abuse, or oppress you, use “false, deceptive, or misleading representation or means,” or resort to “unfair or unconscionable” practices when collecting debt. For example, behavior such as multiple weekly calls, empty threats of negative legal action, or the refusal to verify a debt are all prohibited under the FDCPA.

The FDCPA also allows you to sue ICS for free if they violate any of your rights. If you win your suit, ICS must cease their harassment and may have to compensate you with up to $1,000. Additionally, ICS will be required to cover your attorney fees and court costs. You may also be able to permanently delete ICS from your credit report. To take advantage of this law, all you need to do is call Lemberg Law and hire a debt collection attorney. We’ll take care of the rest.

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)

A major concern for consumers dealing with ICS and other debt collection agencies is negative credit reporting, which ICS often engages in. The good news is that the FCRA regulates all debt collection agencies in how they report delinquent debts to credit reporting agencies.

Under the FCRA, ICS cannot unfairly report your debt to extract payments from you. Furthermore, the FDCPA restricts ICS from making threats of negative credit reporting for the same end.

Lemberg Law can help you deal with ICS when it comes to credit reporting. If you think ICS is unfairly reporting an alleged debt, or if they are using negative credit reporting as a method to harass you, call today to see how we can help. If you want ICS deleted from your credit report permanently, chances are we can do that for you as well!

What Can I Do When IC System Calls Me? 

Just because ICS claims you owe a debt, does not mean you have to set up payments immediately or play by their rules. The following list describes your basic rights when it comes to dealing with debt collectors like ICS. However, if you want to end ICS’s harassment for good and be safe from abuse, your best option may be to hire an attorney. To discuss your rights and best course of action further, call Lemberg Law today for a free consultation.

If ICS is calling you or is trying other methods to collect an alleged debt, the law empowers you to:

  1. Be told the amount of the debt.
  2. Be told the name of the creditor who is owed the debt.
  3. Be told the name of the debt collector.
  4. Be told why you owe the debt.
  5. Dispute the debt.
  6. Request proof of the debt.
  7. Not be harassed or threatened by the debt collector.
  8. Refuse to pay the debt if you believe it is not valid.

Can IC System Sue Me or Garnish My Wages?  

It is illegal for ICS to make empty threats to sue you or garnish your wages. Furthermore, it is unlikely that ICS will sue you for a debt you may not owe or they cannot validate. However, ICS can summon you to court and garnish your wages after a default judgment. In fact, collection agencies like ICS do so frequently.

As long as ICS intends to follow through on their suit, they can legally inform you of that suit and carry it out. You can learn more about this here. To get ahead of negative legal action, it is smart to contact an attorney as soon as possible. At Lemberg Law, we’ve helped thousands of consumers fight back against aggressive debt collectors like ICS, and we can help you too. If ICS is making empty threats, or if you’re afraid they will take you to court, call Lemberg Law today for a free consultation.

Do I Have a Case Against IC System?

The only sure way to determine your legal standing is to have your case assessed by a consumer-protection attorney. To do so, call Lemberg Law today for a free consultation.

You can also check to see if ICS has committed any of the following common violations:

Lemberg Law Can Help You For Free 

Get Free BBB A+ Attorney. Call 475-277-1600 NOW

Unlawful Debt Harassment? Learn the Law & Sue the Collector.

At Lemberg Law, we have a winning track record when it comes to debt collection harassment. When it comes to getting collection agencies like ICS off our clients’ backs, we’re as successful as we are relentless. So far, we’ve helped thousands of people escape harassment at the hands of debt collectors, win financial compensation, and remove collection agencies from their credit reports. The best part is that when we win, you don’t pay us a dime.

We know it can be a daunting first step to sue a large debt collector like ICS. However, with us in your corner, there is nothing to worry about. We’ve handled every kind of collection agency, including ICS, and we know just how to force them to back down. We will fight them as hard and for as long as it takes because we refuse to stop until your justice and compensation are delivered. When Lemberg Law represents you, you don’t have to concern yourself with any tedious legal details or dealing with ICS directly: we’ll bring the victory to you.

Here’s what we can offer you…

  • Absolutely free legal legal services. Not only do we offer free consultations, but the FDCPA makes ICS cover your court costs and attorney fees when we win.
  • The removal of ICS from your credit report.
  • Compensation of up to $1,000.
  • Protection from negative legal action or wage garnishment.
  • An instant end to harassment. When an attorney represents you, ICS must contact them instead of you
  • Steadfast and painless legal representation that will allow you to get your life back on track.

See What Your Case Against IC System May Look Like

Here are some sample cases filed in federal court:

In September 2011, in United States District Court for the Western District of New York, a judge issued a decision in a case alleging I.C. System had violated three sections of the FDCPA. In this case, the plaintiff incurred debt as a result of an unpaid medical bill. When the plaintiff failed to follow through on the medical office’s efforts to collect the debt, it was sent to ICS. ICS began telephoning the plaintiff in 2005, “and continued calling her through December 2007.” In her complaint, the plaintiff alleged that ICS had violated the FDCPA by “calling her derogatory names; by falsely representing that they intended to send the sheriff to her home to serve a summons; by falsely representing that the original creditor intended to bring suit against her; by falsely representing that they would garnish her wages; and by falsely representing that the original creditor had given them authorization to commence a lawsuit.” In addition, the plaintiff stated that “these violations occurred over the course of three particular phone conversations, all allegedly taking place in either April or May of 2007.” Specifically, “during the first of these calls, ICS allegedly called the plaintiff‘ stupid’ and threatened to garnish her wages…When the plaintiff tried explaining the reason the debt had not been repaid,” the ICS representative allegedly “told her to ‘shut up.’ Emotionally upset, the plaintiff handed the telephone to her husband…whom ICS promptly called a ‘jerk.’” During the second call, ICS  “again allegedly threatened to garnish the plaintiff’s wages.” During the third call, ICS allegedly informed the plaintiff that they were “sending the sheriff to their home with a summons.” In addition to violating the FDCPA, ICS’s actions also caused the plaintiff to become “nervous, upset, and suffer emotional distress.”

Attorneys for I.C. System attempted to argue that the plaintiff’s claim was “untimely because the alleged acts occurred outside the FDCPA’s one-year statute of limitations.” She had filed the complaint in January 2018, but the calls in the complaint had occurred in 2005. However, the court noted that although the complaint only cited 3 specific calls, ICS had placed over 200 calls to the plaintiff between the initial call in 2005 and the end of the dispute period on December 2007. As a result, the court could not support ICS’s argument and dismissed their request to deny the plaintiff’s complaint on that count. Attorneys for ICS also tried to argue that the plaintiff’s “claims for actual damages are without support” because she only offered her own testimony, which was supported by her husband. Although the court agreed that the plaintiff’s evidence for emotional distress may have been weak, they decided that she had submitted enough evidence and testimony to support a factual claim for damages. As a result, ICS’s request to dismiss was denied, and the plaintiff was allowed to continue with her complaint.

Here are some past press releases of Lawsuits brought on by Lemberg Law against IC System:

March 17, 2014. In a class action complaint, Lemberg & Associates is representing Michael Reid, who is suing I.C. System for alleged violations of the federal Telephone Consumer Protection Act. The complaint alleges that I.C. System negligently, knowingly, and/or willfully placed automated calls to Mr. Reid’s cell phone.

The complaint alleges that I.C. System repeatedly called Mr. Reid’s cell phone using an automated telephone dialer system. Moreover, even though Mr. Reid asked I.C. System to stop calling, they continued to do so. Mr. Reid never provided his prior express consent to receive robocalls from I.C. System.

The class of people being represented are those who received one or more non-emergency telephone calls from I.C. System to a cell phone through the use of an automated dialer and who did not provide prior express consent for such calls.

What Our Clients Are Saying

I felt like I was sinking. After sending in my case evaluation, Lemberg Law quickly threw me a lifeline and turned the tide.”

“Thank you . Should I confront difficulties in the future, I won’t be afraid to contact you or recommend your services to others.”

“As we discussed on the phone earlier today, this settlement is perfectly okay to me. I need to thank you and all of your cohorts at Lemberg Law to get a project handled so professionally. Please allow Amy, the first person who contacted me from Lemberg, know how much I appreciate her efforts, kindness, and professionalism.”

Share your story

Have you had a bad experience with this agency’s debt collectors? Sound off and share your experience with other visitors in the comment box below.

About the Author:

Sergei Lemberg is an attorney focusing on consumer law, class actions related to automotive issues, and personal injury litigation. With nearly two decades of experience, his areas of practice include Lemon Law (vehicle defects), Debt Collection Harassment, TCPA (illegal robocalls and texts), Fair Credit Reporting Act, Overtime claims, Personal Injury cases, and Class Actions. He has consistently been recognized as the nation's "most active consumer attorney." In 2020, Mr. Lemberg represented Noah Duguid before the United States Supreme Court in the landmark case Duguid v. Facebook. He is also the author of "Defanging Debt Collectors," a guide that empowers consumers to fight back against debt collectors and prevail, as well as "Lemon Law 101: The Laws That Lemon Dealers Don't Want You to Know."

See more posts from Sergei Lemberg
  • Hailey

    This company placed an account on my credit report as opened in December 2020. The original creditor is ATT Uverse. I’ve never had an account to my knowledge with ATT Uverse. I successfully disputed this last year when another credit collection company first reported it and it was removed. How can they put an already disputed account back on my credit. They have never once contacted me by mail or by phone to allow me to validate the debt. Instead they Just plunk it down on my credit? I’ve just scraped and clawed my credit back up from the pit of divorce just to have these hacks come and push me back over the edge. Worse, when I disputed this account (again), they placed a remark that the account meets the FCRA standards. The hell it does! What? No contact, no validation, fraudulent reporting date making it look as if it’s a new account just opened, and reporting a debt that has already proven to be fraudulent? This is nonsense and this company needs to be stopped. What is the point of the laws we have in place if nobody is forced to follow them but the citizens? I’m so sick of this crap.

  • Lynn Q

    I just received a call from I C System and would not give them any information. I told them I was not comfortable giving information to someone I did not know. They said they would call back at a later time. What can I do to stop the calls?

  • Elaine

    My credit card closed in 2015 for missed payments and I never did make one after they closed the account and charged it off. Jan of 2018 collection agency bought my account and then in August 2018 reports bad new account past due. Damaged my credit and dropped my score so much itade it impossible for me to rent anywhere without double deposit.

  • Anthony A

    IC System has placed a negative mark on my Equifax credit report.

    This bill is in dispute with the original creditor. I have had no legal representation, however, I am now reconsidering my options.

    I look forward to discussing this matter with you.

  • John K

    So I went to a doctor…they said I owed 87.$ This guy from I c system was rude and told me to take money from my rent or light…yeah freaking right. A Florida phone number..(786)765:3411

  • Kathleen W

    IC systems originally put a collection for $2800 on all three of my credit reports of Christmas day 2017. I dispute the collection the credit report and it is removed then automatically returns. The account is a utility bill in the name of a person I’ve never heard of.. I have had zero luck calling them after they call me all hours of the day non stop. My credit reports are continually update with a new current date destroying my score

  • rick

    Reporting an account on my CR every week for almost a year now
    credit karma wont do anything about it and hv acutally banned me from using their app
    but I’m in the Philippines now so their great grat great grandchildren wont even be able to collect

  • Allen S

    IC Systems keep calling and will not provide any account information, until you confirm your personal information. 213-217-9061 Is their number.. these people are really rude

  • bob

    yeah they call asking if im multiple people but wouldnt tell me who they were or why they were calling what a bunch of a-holes.

  • Randy G

    IC System continues to call me looking for someone named Amy. No Amy lives here, nor do I know any Amy. Annoying

  • Deb B

    I just got a call from them today from number 4065570118 saying I owed something like $750 to Spectrum. I told them I don’t know who that company is and never did business with them. They used an address that I didn’t recognize as one I’ve ever lived at. I have LifeLock. I downloaded my credit report and there is no ‘Spectrum’ anywhere on it. Now I’m worried someone is using my information and opening fraudulent accounts.

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